Vol. 5(2004) No.2


Open access

  Fixed Point Theory, Volume 5, No. 2, 2004, 165-391
Volumes Selection
Continuation principles for fractals

Jan Andres

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Fixed point theorems of Krasnoselskii type in a space of continuous functions

Cezar Avramescu and Cristian Vladimirescu

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A construction of topological index for condensing maps of Finsler manifolds

E. V. Bogacheva and Yu. E. Gliklikh

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Liénard equations, delays, and harmless perturbations

T. A. Burton

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An existence and uniqueness result for nonlinear integral equations

Silvia Otilia Corduneanu

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Existence results for neutral functional differential inclusions

B. C. Dhage and S. K. Ntouyas

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Numerical aspects of multivalued fractals

Jiří Fišer

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Attractors and fixed points of weakly contracting relations

Vasile Glăvan and Valeriu Guţu

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Shift points and the fixed point property for products

T. Bruce McLean and Sam B. Nadler, Jr.

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The metric projection and its applications to solving variational inequalities in Banach spaces

Jinlu Li

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Data dependence of fixed points for Meir-Keeler type operators

Gabriela Petruşel

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Existence and localization results for the nonlinear wave equation

Radu Precup

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Some suitable metrics on fuzzy metric spaces

Viorel Radu

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Sequences of operators and fixed points

Ioan A. Rus

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A note on the existence of positive solutions of Fredholm integral equations

Mircea Dan Rus

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The Darboux-Ionescu problem for third order hyperbolic inclusions with modified argument

Georgeta Teodoru

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