1. On the S. N. Bernstein polynomials. The operator spectrum. (Romanian) Gaz. Mat., seria A, vol.71, nr.12, 448-451, 1966.
1. On the S. N. Bernstein polynomials. The operator spectrum. (English translation, 2013) Gaz. Mat., seria A, vol.71, nr.12, 448-451, 1966.
2. Remarks on triples in enriched categories. (in collaboration with H. Wiesler) Bull. Australl. Math. Soc., vol.13, nr.3, 375-383, 1970.
3. A variety of associative structures with one-sided zero elements in autonomous categories. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., tome 17, 1317-1322, 1972.
4. Conjugation relations in gamma-categories. Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Series Math.-Mech., fasc.2, 5-10, 1974.
5. Categories whose objects are determined by their rings of endomorphisms. Bull. Australl. Math. Soc., vol.15, nr.1, 65-72, 1976.
6. On an enriched theory of modules I. Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Math., fasc.3, nr.2, 25-38, 1979.
7. On an enriched theory of modules II. Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Math., fasc.3, nr.2, 3-17, 1980.
8. Some remarks about mutual pseudocomplements in lattices. Mathematica, vol.22(45), nr.2, 237-239, 1980.
9. Note on B-high subgroups of abelian groups. Mathematica, vol.23(46), nr.1, 9-10, 1981.
10. Torsion in lattices. Mathematica, vol.25(48), nr.2, 127-129, 1983.
11. Restricted socle conditions in lattices. Mathematica, vol.28(51), nr.1, 27-30, 1986.
12. Abelian groups with pseudocomplemented lattice of subgroups. Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Math., vol.31, fasc.3, 39-41, 1986.
13. Abelian groups with continuous lattice of subgroups. (in collaboration with K. Benabdallah) Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Math., vol.32, fasc.1, 31-32, 1987.
14. Cocompact elements in algebraic lattices.
Seminar of Algebra, 41-46, Univ. ''Babeş-Bolyai'',
15. Cocompact elements in algebraic lattices.
Proceedings of the
16. Torsion-free components in non-splitting
mixed abelian groups. Preprint nr.2, Univ. Babeş-Bolyai,
17. Socle and radical as pure subgroups of an abelian group. Mathematica, vol.33(56), nr.1-2, 17-20, 1991.
18. Torsion-free components and topology.
Proceedings on the Conference on Algebra (
19. La T-topologie d'un groupe abelien. Studia Universitatis Babeş Bolyai, Mathematica, XL, 4, 3-12, 1995.
20. Note on a module-theoretic exercise. Mathematica 37(60), nr.1-2, 57-59, 1995.
21. Correction: La T-topologie d'un groupe abelien. 1996, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Mathematica, XLI, 3, 107-108.
22. Cocompact lattices. Mathematica Panonica, vol.7, nr.2, 185-190, 1996.
23. Distributively
generated lattices. Analele Ştiinţifice ale
Universităţii ''Al. I. Cuza'' din
24. Pure subgroups of mixed abelian groups including the torsion part. Mathematica vol.39(62), nr.1, 29-35, 1997.
25. Essential-pure subgroups of abelian groups. Mathematica, vol.39(62), nr.2, 195-200, 1997.
26. Coatomic lattices and abelian group topics. Libertas Mathematica, XVII, 125-131, 1997.
27. On a problem of Prof. A. Orsatti. Abelian groups, Module Theory, and Topology (Proceedings in honor of Adalberto Orsatti 60-th birthday, Padova june 1997). Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math., vol.201, 105-112, Marcel Dekker, 1998.
28. Purity in Gamma - lattices. Mathematica, vol. 40(63), nr.2, 155-158, 1998.
29. Torsion in Gamma - lattices. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Mathematica, XLIII, 1, 1-5, 1998.
30. Purity in ideal lattices. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii ''Al. I. Cuza'' din Iaşi, XLV, s.I.a., fasc. 1, 39-44, 1999.
31. A useful category for
mixed abelian groups, Theory and Applications of Categories, vol. 5, no. 4,
81-90, 1999.
32. Hypergroups associated to lattices. (in collaboration with V. Leoreanu) Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, No.9, 165-173, 2001.
33. The
fully-invariant-extension property for abelian groups. (in collaboration
with G. Birkenmeier, L. Fuchs and P. Goeters) Communications in Algebra, 29,
673-685, 2001.
34. Abelian groups with
semi-local rings of endomorphisms. Communications in Algebra, 30 (9),
4105-4111, 2002.
35. Abelian groups
have/are near Frattini subgroups. (in collaboration with
36. Fully-invariant elements
in lattices. Mathematica, Tome 45(68), No. 1, 19 - 24, 2003.
37. Breaking points in subgroup
lattices. (in collaboration with M. Deaconescu) Proceedings, Groups St
Andrews 2001 in
38. Distributivity and
IM-lattices. (in collaboration with R. Khazal) Italian Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics, vol.15, 175-184, 2004.
39. The total number of
subgroups of a finite Abelian group. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, 60,
No. 1, 157 – 167, 2004.
39. The total number of
subgroups of a finite Abelian group.[2011 expanded and corrected version]
40. Abelian groups whose
subgroup lattice is the union of two intervals. (in collaboration with
41. On torsion-free periodic
rings. (in collaboration with
42. Abelian groups determined
by subgroup lattices of direct powers, Archiv der Math., vol. 86, no. 2
(2006), 97 - 100.
43. Self-c-injective Abelian
groups. (in collaboration with
44. Every Abelian group
is determined by a subgroup lattice, (in collaboration with
45. A solution to a
problem on lattice isomorphic Abelian groups, (in collaboration with
46. Endomorphisms
and automorphisms of squares of abelian groups, (in collaboration with
47. Split-extensions
of Exchange Rings: a direct proof, Journal of Algebra and Applications,
vol. 8, No. 5 (2009), 629 - 632.
47'. Split-extensions
of Exchange Rings: a direct proof.[2017 simplified version]
48. Rings with lattices
of idempotents, Communications in Algebra, vol. 38, Issue 3 (2010), 1050 - 1056.
49. Morphic Abelian
Groups, Journal of Algebra and Applications, vol. 9, no. 2 (2010), 185 - 193.
50. One-sided clean
rings, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, vol. 55, No. 3 (2010), 83 - 92.
51. Modules with Abelian endomorphism
rings, (in collaboration with
52. Modules with Dedekind finite endomorphism
rings, (in collaboration with
53. Realization theorems for triangular
rings, Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University of Iasi, vol. 57, 2 (2011), 223 - 228.
54. On type 1 representable lattices of dimension less or equal
than 4, (in collaboration with
55. On Abelian groups with commutative clean endomorphism rings
, Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University, vol. 58, 2 (2012), 227 - 238.
56. Morphic objects in categories
, (in collaboration with
57. Between morphic and Hopfian
, (in collaboration with
58. Subgroups which admit extensions of homomorphisms
, (in collaboration with
59. Nil-clean matrix rings
, (in collaboration with
60. Erratum to "On type 1 representable lattices of
dimension at most 4"
, (in collaboration with
61. A nil-clean 2 x 2 matrix over integers which is not clean
, (in collaboration with
61'. Example revisited
, 2015.
62. Strongly invariant subgroups
, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, vol. 57, 2 (2015), 431-443.
63. UU rings
, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 31, 2 (2015), 157-163.
64. Fine rings: A new class of simple rings
, (in collaboration with
65. UN rings
, J. of Algebra and its Appl., vol. 15, 10 (2016), 9 pages.
66. Some matrix completions over integral domains
, Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol.507 (2016), 414-419.
66'. Some matrix completions over integral domains, Corrections and addendum
, 3 pages.
67. Sums of nilpotent matrices
, (in collaboration with
68. Uniquely clean 2 x 2 invertible integral matrices
, (in collaboration with
69. Strongly inert subgroups of Abelian groups
, (in collaboration with
70. A new class of semiprime rings
, Houston Journal of Mathematics vol. 44, no. 1 (2018), 21-30.
71. Rings with very few nilpotents
, Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University vol. 64 (1) (2018), 145-150.
71'. Correction to "Rings with very few nilpotents"
72. Tripotents: a class of strongly clean
elements in rings, Anal. St. Univ. Ovidius Cta., Series Math. vol. 26 (1) (2018), 69-80.
73. Abelian groups with left morphic endomorphism ring
, J. of Algebra and its Appl. (vol. 17, no. 9, 2018), 8 pages.
74. Clean integral 2x2 matrices
, Studia Sci. Math. Hungarica (vol. 55, no.1, 2018), 41-52.
75. Subgroups generated by images of
endomorphisms of Abelian groups and duality
, (in collaboration with
76. Rings whose units commute
with nilpotent elements
, Mathematica vol. 60 (83), no.2, (2018), 119-126.
77. A new class of nil-clean
elements which are exchange
, Beitrage zu Alg. und Geom. 60 (2019), 683-691.
78. Idempotent matrices with invertible transpose
, Georgian Math. J. online June 13, 2019; Vol. 2,Issue 3 (2020), 351-353.
79. Nil-clean integral 2x2 matrices: The elliptic case
, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Roum. (vol. 62 (110) no.3, 2019), 239-250.
80. Strictly invariant submodules,
(in collaboration with S. Breaz and A.R. Cheklov), Mediterranean J. of Math. vol.16, no. 4, 2019, 14 pages.
81. Uniquely fine 2x2 integral matrices
, Journal of Algebra, Number Theory: Advances and Applications, vol.20, 1, (2019), 83-99.
82. Matrices that are similar to their inverses
, The Mathematical Gazette, vol. 104, Issue 559, (2020), 116-124.
83. Unit exchange elements in rings
, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, 65, No. 3 (2020), 333-344.
83. Jacobson s Lemma fails for nil-clean 2 2
integral matrices
, (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) Anal. St. Univ. Ovidius Cta., Series Math., vol. XXVIII, fasc. 3, (2020), 83-88.
84. The nil-clean 2 2 integral units.
, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (Early Access, October 2020), vol. 50, (1), (2021), 41-45.
85. Are nil-clean 3 3 integral matrices, exchange?
, (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University, vol. 67, (2), (2021), 171-186.
86. Trace 1, 2 2 matrices over principal ideal
domains are exchange
, (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) Carpathian Math. J. vol. 36, No. 3, (2020), 393-401.
87. Solitary subgroups of Abelian groups
, (in collaboration with Andrey Cheklov) Expositiones Math. Volume 39, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 354-368 [Available online 22 October 2020].
88. Rings with fine idempotents
, (in collaboration with Yiqiang Zhou) J. of Alg. and Appl. vol.21, No. 1, (2022) 14 pages [Online ready, October 20, 2020].
89. On unit fine rings
, Mediterranean J. of Math. 18, Article number: 115 (20 April) 2021.
90. Abelian groups with left comorphic endomorphism rings
, (in collaboration with Andrey Cheklov) Internat. Electronic J. of Algebra vol. 30 (2021), 217-230.
91. On zero determinant matrices that are full
, (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) Mathematica Panonica, vol. 27 issue 2, 81-88, 2021.
92. Rings with fine nilpotents
, (in collaboration with Yiqiang Zhou) Annali del Univ. Ferrara; vol. 67, issue 2, 231 - 241, 2021.
92'. Erratum to "Rings with fine nilpotents"
, 2021.
92''. Rings with fine nilpotents, Corrected version (February 2022)
, (in collaboration with Yiqiang Zhou) Annali del Univ. Ferrara; vol. 67, issue 2, 231 - 241, 2021.
93. Singular matrices that are products of two
idempotents or products of two nilpotents
, Special Matrices, vol. 10, issue 1, 47-52, 2022.
94. Negative clean rings
, (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) Anal. St. Univ. Ovidius
Cta., Series Math., vol. 30, fasc. 2, 63-89, 2022.
95. 3 3 idempotent matrices over some domains
and a conjecture on nil-clean matrices, Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University, vol. 68, f.1, 91-16, 2022.
95'. Correction to "3 3 idempotent matrices over some domains
and a conjecture on nil-clean matrices", Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University, vol. 68, f.1, 91-16, 2022.
96. Utumi Abelian groups
, (in collaboration with S. Das) Rendiconti Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, online first, February 4, 2023.
97. On stable range one matrices
, (in collaboration with H. Pop) Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie
Tome 65 (113), No. 3, 2022, 317 327.
97'. Erratum to "On stable range one matrices"
, 2024.
98. On idempotent stable range one matrices
, (in collaboration with H. Pop) Special matrices, vol. 10, issue 1, 251-257, 2022.
99. Rings whose clean elements are uniquely clean
, (in collaboration with Y. Zhou) Mediterranean J. of Math., vol. 20, issue 1, 15, 2023.
100. Unipotent diagonalization of matrices
, Intern. Electr. J. of Algebra, online April 14, 2023; vol. 34, 71-87.
101. Unit stable range one matrices
, online 24 March, Annali dell Universita di Ferrara, 2023, 14 pages.
102. Abelian groups with C2
, (in collaboration with P. Keef) online first, December 2023; J. of Alg. and Appl. Volume 23, Issue 08 (July 2024), 9 pages.
103. Dependent rings
, online 29 May, Rend. Circolo Mat. Palermo, series 2, 2023, 13 pages.
104. Similarity for 2 2 matrices obtained by clockwise rotation
, Math. Panonica, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2023, 195-203.
104'. Correction to "Similarity for 2 2 matrices obtained by clockwise rotation "
, Math. Panonica
105. Replacing units by unipotents
, Carpathian J. Math., Vol. 40, No. 1, 2024, 27-38.
106. Unipotent similarity for matrices over commutative domains
, to appear in Acta Univ. Sapientiae 2025.
107. 2-products of idempotent by nilpotent matrices
, (in collaboration with H. F. Pop) Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. online 31 July 2024.
107'. Correction to "2-products of idempotent by nilpotent matrices"
, (in collaboration with H. F. Pop) Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.
108. Idempotents which are products of two nilpotents
, (in collaboration with H. F. Pop) Special Matrices vol. 12, (1), 2024.
109. The formula ABA=Tr(AB)A for matrices
, Beitraege fur Algebra und Geometrie, vol. 65, Issue 2, June 2024.
110. The X-semiprimeness of rings
, (in collaboration with T. K. Lee and J. Matczuk) to appear in J of Algebra and its Appl., 2026.
111. On the equation a x=a in unital rings
, (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) International Electronic J of Algebra, Year 2024, Early access.
112. Matrix Invertible Extensions over Commutative Rings.
Part I: General Theory
, (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop and A. Vasiu) online first, 4 december 2024, J of Pure and Appl. Algebra.
113. Matrix Invertible Extensions over Commutative Rings.
Part II: Determinant liftability
, (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop and A. Vasiu) submitted LAA, 2025.
114. Perspective Abelian groups
, (in collaboration with Andrey Chekhlov) Communications in Algebra, Online first, Feb 11, 2025.
115. An idempotent not conjugate with its complementary idempotent
, (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) to appear in Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University, 2025.