1. On the S. N. Bernstein polynomials. The operator spectrum. (Romanian) Gaz. Mat., seria A,  vol.71, nr.12,  448-451, 1966.

1. On the S. N. Bernstein polynomials. The operator spectrum. (English translation, 2013) Gaz. Mat., seria A,  vol.71, nr.12,  448-451, 1966.

2. Remarks on triples in enriched categories. (in collaboration with H. Wiesler) Bull. Australl. Math. Soc., vol.13, nr.3, 375-383, 1970.

3. A variety of associative structures with one-sided zero elements in autonomous categories. Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., tome 17, 1317-1322, 1972.

4. Conjugation relations in gamma-categories. Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Series Math.-Mech., fasc.2, 5-10, 1974.

5. Categories whose objects are determined by their rings of endomorphisms. Bull. Australl. Math. Soc., vol.15, nr.1, 65-72, 1976.

6. On an enriched theory of modules I. Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Math., fasc.3, nr.2, 25-38, 1979.

7. On an enriched theory of modules II. Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Math., fasc.3, nr.2, 3-17, 1980.

8. Some remarks about mutual pseudocomplements in lattices. Mathematica, vol.22(45), nr.2, 237-239, 1980.

9. Note on B-high subgroups of abelian groups. Mathematica, vol.23(46), nr.1, 9-10, 1981.

10. Torsion in lattices. Mathematica, vol.25(48), nr.2, 127-129, 1983.

11. Restricted socle conditions in lattices. Mathematica, vol.28(51), nr.1, 27-30, 1986.

12. Abelian groups with pseudocomplemented lattice of subgroups. Studia Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Math., vol.31, fasc.3, 39-41, 1986.

13. Abelian groups with continuous lattice of subgroups. (in collaboration with K. Benabdallah) Studia  Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Math., vol.32, fasc.1, 31-32, 1987.

14. Cocompact elements in algebraic lattices. Seminar of Algebra, 41-46, Univ. ''Babeş-Bolyai'', Cluj-Napoca, 1988.

15. Cocompact elements in algebraic lattices. Proceedings of the Braşov Conference, 83-88, 9-10, June 1988.

16. Torsion-free components in non-splitting mixed abelian groups. Preprint nr.2, Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 7-8, 1990.

17. Socle and radical as pure subgroups of an abelian group. Mathematica, vol.33(56), nr.1-2, 17-20, 1991.

18. Torsion-free components and topology. Proceedings on the Conference on Algebra (Cluj-Napoca,1991) pp. 7-8, Preprint 92-1, ''Babeş-Bolyai'' Univ., Cluj-Napoca 1992.

19. La T-topologie d'un groupe abelien. Studia Universitatis Babeş Bolyai, Mathematica, XL, 4, 3-12, 1995.

20. Note on a module-theoretic exercise. Mathematica 37(60), nr.1-2, 57-59, 1995.

21. Correction: La T-topologie d'un groupe abelien. 1996, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Mathematica, XLI, 3, 107-108.

22. Cocompact lattices. Mathematica Panonica, vol.7, nr.2, 185-190, 1996.

23. Distributively generated lattices. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii ''Al. I. Cuza'' din Iaşi, vol.42, fasc.2, 233-238, 1996.

24. Pure subgroups of mixed abelian groups including the torsion part. Mathematica vol.39(62), nr.1, 29-35, 1997.

25. Essential-pure subgroups of abelian groups. Mathematica, vol.39(62), nr.2, 195-200, 1997.

26. Coatomic lattices and abelian group topics. Libertas Mathematica, XVII, 125-131, 1997.

27. On a problem of Prof. A. Orsatti. Abelian groups, Module Theory, and Topology (Proceedings in honor of Adalberto Orsatti 60-th birthday, Padova june 1997). Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math., vol.201, 105-112, Marcel Dekker, 1998.

28. Purity in Gamma - lattices. Mathematica, vol. 40(63), nr.2, 155-158, 1998.

29. Torsion in Gamma - lattices. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Mathematica, XLIII, 1, 1-5, 1998.

30. Purity in ideal lattices. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii ''Al. I. Cuza'' din Iaşi, XLV, s.I.a., fasc. 1, 39-44, 1999.

31. A useful category for mixed abelian groups, Theory and Applications of Categories, vol. 5, no. 4, 81-90, 1999.

32. Hypergroups associated to lattices. (in collaboration with V. Leoreanu) Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, No.9, 165-173, 2001.

33. The fully-invariant-extension property for abelian groups. (in collaboration with G. Birkenmeier, L. Fuchs and P. Goeters) Communications in Algebra, 29, 673-685, 2001.

34. Abelian groups with semi-local rings of endomorphisms. Communications in Algebra, 30 (9), 4105-4111, 2002.

35. Abelian groups have/are near Frattini subgroups. (in collaboration with S. Breaz) Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae , 43, 3, 2002, 395-405.

36. Fully-invariant elements in lattices. Mathematica, Tome 45(68), No. 1, 19 - 24, 2003.

37. Breaking points in subgroup lattices. (in collaboration with M. Deaconescu) Proceedings, Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford (Volume 1), p. 59 - 62, Cambridge University Press , 2003.

38. Distributivity and IM-lattices. (in collaboration with R. Khazal) Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol.15, 175-184, 2004.

39. The total number of subgroups of a finite Abelian group. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, 60, No. 1, 157 – 167, 2004.

39. The total number of subgroups of a finite Abelian group.[2011 expanded and corrected version]

40. Abelian groups whose subgroup lattice is the union of two intervals. (in collaboration with S. Breaz) Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 78, 27-36, 2005.

41. On torsion-free periodic rings. (in collaboration with S. Breaz and R. Khazal) Int. J. Math. Sci., vol. 2005, no. 14, 2321 – 2327, 2005.

42. Abelian groups determined by subgroup lattices of direct powers, Archiv der Math., vol. 86, no. 2 (2006), 97 - 100.

43. Self-c-injective Abelian groups. (in collaboration with S. Breaz) Rend. Sem. Mat. Padova, vol.116 (2006), 193-204.

44. Every Abelian group is determined by a subgroup lattice, (in collaboration with S. Breaz) Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungaricae 45 (1) (2008), 135 - 137.

45. A solution to a problem on lattice isomorphic Abelian groups, (in collaboration with K.M. Rangaswamy) Models, Modules and Abelian Groups, In Memory of A.L.S. Corner, de Gruyter (nov 2008), p.249-256 .

46. Endomorphisms and automorphisms of squares of abelian groups, (in collaboration with P. Schultz) Models, Modules and Abelian Groups, In Memory of A.L.S. Corner, de Gruyter (nov 2008), p.121-134 .

47. Split-extensions of Exchange Rings: a direct proof, Journal of Algebra and Applications, vol. 8, No. 5 (2009), 629 - 632.

47'. Split-extensions of Exchange Rings: a direct proof.[2017 simplified version]

48. Rings with lattices of idempotents, Communications in Algebra, vol. 38, Issue 3 (2010), 1050 - 1056.

49. Morphic Abelian Groups, Journal of Algebra and Applications, vol. 9, no. 2 (2010), 185 - 193.

50. One-sided clean rings, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, vol. 55, No. 3 (2010), 83 - 92.

51. Modules with Abelian endomorphism rings, (in collaboration with P. Schultz) Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 82, part 1 (2010), 99-112.

52. Modules with Dedekind finite endomorphism rings, (in collaboration with S. Breaz and P. Schultz) Mathematica, vol. 53 (76), No. 1 (2011), 15 - 28.

53. Realization theorems for triangular rings, Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University of Iasi, vol. 57, 2 (2011), 223 - 228.

54. On type 1 representable lattices of dimension less or equal than 4, (in collaboration with C. Contiu) Algebra Universalis, vol. 67, 2 (2012), 131-139.

55. On Abelian groups with commutative clean endomorphism rings , Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University, vol. 58, 2 (2012), 227 - 238.

56. Morphic objects in categories , (in collaboration with L. Pop) Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, Tome 56(104), 2 (2013), 173-180.

57. Between morphic and Hopfian , (in collaboration with L. Pop) Anal. St. Univ. Ovidius Cta., Series Math. vol. 21, 3 (2013), 51-66.

58. Subgroups which admit extensions of homomorphisms , (in collaboration with S. Breaz and P. Schultz) published online December 9, 2013 in Forum Mathematicum; in print vol. 27 (5) (2015), 2533-2549.

59. Nil-clean matrix rings , (in collaboration with S. Breaz, P. Danchev and T. Micu) Linear Algebra and Applications vol. 439, 10 (2013), 3115-3119.

60. Erratum to "On type 1 representable lattices of dimension at most 4" , (in collaboration with C. Contiu) Algebra Universalis, vol. 71, 1 (2014), 69-70.

61. A nil-clean 2 x 2 matrix over integers which is not clean , (in collaboration with D. Andrica) Journal of Algebra and its Applications, vol. 13, 6 (2014), 9 pages.

61'. Example revisited , 2015.

62. Strongly invariant subgroups , Glasgow Mathematical Journal, vol. 57, 2 (2015), 431-443.

63. UU rings , Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 31, 2 (2015), 157-163.

64. Fine rings: A new class of simple rings , (in collaboration with T. Y. Lam) J. of Algebra and its Appl., vol. 15, 9 (2016), 18 pages.

65. UN rings , J. of Algebra and its Appl., vol. 15, 10 (2016), 9 pages.

66. Some matrix completions over integral domains , Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol.507 (2016), 414-419.

66'. Some matrix completions over integral domains, Corrections and addendum , 3 pages.

67. Sums of nilpotent matrices , (in collaboration with S. Breaz) Linear and Multilinear Algebra, vol. 65, 1 (2017), 67-78.

68. Uniquely clean 2 x 2 invertible integral matrices , (in collaboration with D. Andrica) Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai vol. 62 (3)(2017), 287-293.

69. Strongly inert subgroups of Abelian groups , (in collaboration with S. Breaz) Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova vol. 138 (2018), 101-114.

70. A new class of semiprime rings , Houston Journal of Mathematics vol. 44, no. 1 (2018), 21-30.

71. Rings with very few nilpotents , Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University vol. 64 (1) (2018), 145-150.

71'. Correction to "Rings with very few nilpotents"

72. Tripotents: a class of strongly clean elements in rings, Anal. St. Univ. Ovidius Cta., Series Math. vol. 26 (1) (2018), 69-80.

73. Abelian groups with left morphic endomorphism ring , J. of Algebra and its Appl. (vol. 17, no. 9, 2018), 8 pages.

74. Clean integral 2x2 matrices , Studia Sci. Math. Hungarica (vol. 55, no.1, 2018), 41-52.

75. Subgroups generated by images of endomorphisms of Abelian groups and duality , (in collaboration with A. R. Chekhlov, P. A. Krylov) J. of Group Theory, (vol. 21, 2018), 885–900 [online 06/06/2018].

76. Rings whose units commute with nilpotent elements , Mathematica vol. 60 (83), no.2, (2018), 119-126.

77. A new class of nil-clean elements which are exchange , Beitrage zu Alg. und Geom. 60 (2019), 683-691.

78. Idempotent matrices with invertible transpose , Georgian Math. J. online June 13, 2019; Vol. 2,Issue 3 (2020), 351-353.

79. Nil-clean integral 2x2 matrices: The elliptic case , Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Roum. (vol. 62 (110) no.3, 2019), 239-250.

80. Strictly invariant submodules, (in collaboration with S. Breaz and A.R. Cheklov), Mediterranean J. of Math. vol.16, no. 4, 2019, 14 pages.

81. Uniquely fine 2x2 integral matrices , Journal of Algebra, Number Theory: Advances and Applications, vol.20, 1, (2019), 83-99.

82. Matrices that are similar to their inverses , The Mathematical Gazette, vol. 104, Issue 559, (2020), 116-124.

83. Unit exchange elements in rings , Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, 65, No. 3 (2020), 333-344.

83. Jacobson’s Lemma fails for nil-clean 2 × 2 integral matrices , (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) Anal. St. Univ. Ovidius Cta., Series Math., vol. XXVIII, fasc. 3, (2020), 83-88.

84. The nil-clean 2 × 2 integral units. , Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (Early Access, October 2020), vol. 50, (1), (2021), 41-45.

85. Are nil-clean 3 × 3 integral matrices, exchange? , (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University, vol. 67, (2), (2021), 171-186.

86. Trace 1, 2 × 2 matrices over principal ideal domains are exchange , (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) Carpathian Math. J. vol. 36, No. 3, (2020), 393-401.

87. Solitary subgroups of Abelian groups , (in collaboration with Andrey Cheklov) Expositiones Math. Volume 39, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 354-368 [Available online 22 October 2020].

88. Rings with fine idempotents , (in collaboration with Yiqiang Zhou) J. of Alg. and Appl. vol.21, No. 1, (2022) 14 pages [Online ready, October 20, 2020].

89. On unit fine rings , Mediterranean J. of Math. 18, Article number: 115 (20 April) 2021.

90. Abelian groups with left comorphic endomorphism rings , (in collaboration with Andrey Cheklov) Internat. Electronic J. of Algebra vol. 30 (2021), 217-230.

91. On zero determinant matrices that are full , (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) Mathematica Panonica, vol. 27 issue 2, 81-88, 2021.

92. Rings with fine nilpotents , (in collaboration with Yiqiang Zhou) Annali del Univ. Ferrara; vol. 67, issue 2, 231 - 241, 2021.

92'. Erratum to "Rings with fine nilpotents" , 2021.

92''. Rings with fine nilpotents, Corrected version (February 2022) , (in collaboration with Yiqiang Zhou) Annali del Univ. Ferrara; vol. 67, issue 2, 231 - 241, 2021.

93. Singular matrices that are products of two idempotents or products of two nilpotents , Special Matrices, vol. 10, issue 1, 47-52, 2022.

94. Negative clean rings , (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) Anal. St. Univ. Ovidius Cta., Series Math., vol. 30, fasc. 2, 63-89, 2022.

95. 3 × 3 idempotent matrices over some domains and a conjecture on nil-clean matrices, Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University, vol. 68, f.1, 91-16, 2022.

95'. Correction to "3 × 3 idempotent matrices over some domains and a conjecture on nil-clean matrices", Scientific Annals of "Al.I. Cuza" University, vol. 68, f.1, 91-16, 2022.

96. Utumi Abelian groups , (in collaboration with S. Das) Rendiconti Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, online first, February 4, 2023.

97. On stable range one matrices , (in collaboration with H. Pop) Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 65 (113), No. 3, 2022, 317–327.

97'. Erratum to "On stable range one matrices" , 2024.

98. On idempotent stable range one matrices , (in collaboration with H. Pop) Special matrices, vol. 10, issue 1, 251-257, 2022.

99. Rings whose clean elements are uniquely clean , (in collaboration with Y. Zhou) Mediterranean J. of Math., vol. 20, issue 1, 15, 2023.

100. Unipotent diagonalization of matrices , Intern. Electr. J. of Algebra, online April 14, 2023; vol. 34, 71-87.

101. Unit stable range one matrices , online 24 March, Annali dell Universita di Ferrara, 2023, 14 pages.

102. Abelian groups with C2 , (in collaboration with P. Keef) online first, December 2023; J. of Alg. and Appl. Volume 23, Issue 08 (July 2024), 9 pages.

103. Dependent rings , online 29 May, Rend. Circolo Mat. Palermo, series 2, 2023, 13 pages.

104. Similarity for 2 × 2 matrices obtained by clockwise ”rotation” , Math. Panonica, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2023, 195-203.

104'. Correction to "Similarity for 2 × 2 matrices obtained by clockwise ”rotation”" , Math. Panonica

105. Replacing units by unipotents , Carpathian J. Math., Vol. 40, No. 1, 2024, 27-38.

106. Unipotent similarity for matrices over commutative domains , to appear in Acta Univ. Sapientiae 2024.

107. 2-products of idempotent by nilpotent matrices , (in collaboration with H. F. Pop) Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. online 31 July 2024.

107'. Correction to "2-products of idempotent by nilpotent matrices" , (in collaboration with H. F. Pop) Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.

108. Idempotents which are products of two nilpotents , (in collaboration with H. F. Pop) Special Matrices vol. 12, (1), 2024.

109. The formula ABA=Tr(AB)A for matrices , Beitraege fur Algebra und Geometrie, vol. 65, Issue 2, June 2024.

110. The X-semiprimeness of rings , (in collaboration with T. K. Lee and J. Matczuk) to appear in J of Algebra and its Appl., 2026.

111. On the equation a˛x=a in unital rings , (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop) to appear in International Electronic J of Algebra, 2024.

112. Matrix Invertible Extensions over Commutative Rings. Part I: General Theory , (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop and A. Vasiu) online first, 4 december 2024, J of Pure and Appl. Algebra.

113. Matrix Invertible Extensions over Commutative Rings. Part II: Determinant liftability , (in collaboration with Horia F. Pop and A. Vasiu) submitted LAA, 2025.

114. Perspective Abelian groups , (in collaboration with Andrey Chekhlov) to appear in Communications in Algebra, 2025.