1. S. Breaz, Finitistic $n$-quasi-tilting modules, to appear in Communications in Algebra, pdf
2. S. Breaz, Warfield dualities induced by self-small mixed groups, to appear in Journal of Group Theory, pdf
3. U. Albrecht, S. Breaz, W. Wickless, Self-small abelian groups, to appear in Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society pdf
4. S. Breaz, Commutativity conditions using normal subgroup lattices, to appear in Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell'Universita di Padova pdf
5. S. Breaz, C. Modoi, A reformulation of Brown Representability Theorem, to appear in Mathematica (Cluj), pdf
6. S. Breaz, C. Pelea, I. Purdea, Products of hypergroupoids associated to binary relations, to appear in Carpathian Journal of Mathematics pdf
7. U. Albrecht, S. Breaz, A Note on Mixed $A$-reflexive groups, pdf, to appear in Journal of Algebra
8. S. Breaz, J. Trlifaj, Modules determined by their annihilator classes, to appear in Journal of the London Mathematical Society pdf
9. S. Breaz, P. Schultz, Dualities for self-small groups, pdf, to appear in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
10. U. Albrecht, S. Breaz, W. Wickless, S*-groups pdf, to appear in Journal of Algebra and its Applications
11. S. Breaz, Direct products and the contravariant hom-functor, pdf, to appear in Bull. London Math. Soc.
12. S. Breaz, P. Schultz, When Ext commutes with direct sums, pdf., to appear in Journal of Algebra and Its Applications.
13 U. Albrecht, S. Breaz, P. Schultz, Functorial properties of Hom and Ext, pdf., to appear in Contemporary Mathematics.
14. S. Breaz, Modules $M$ such that $\Ext_R^1(M,-)$ commutes with direct limits, pdf, to appear in Algebras and Representation Theory. (Note: The paper 14 replaced the old preprint Modules $M$ such that $\Ext_R^1(M,-)$ commutes with direct sums--the hereditary case)
15. U. Albrecht, S. Breaz, P. Schultz, The Ext functor and self-sums, pdf, to appear in Forum Math.
16. S. Breaz, When Ext commutes with direct unions, pdf

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