Faculty of Mathematic and Computer Science
2025 february 12, Wednesday
Europass Curriculum Vitae






Curriculum Vitae




Personal information


First name(s) / Surname(s)

 Anna    Soós


str. Taietura turcului 14/23, 400300 Cluj Napoca, Romania











Date of birth






Desired employment / Occupational field

Babes Bolyai University, Faculty of mathematics and Computer Science





Work experience



·     2012 — vice-rector for curriculum and Hungarian studies  - Babes-Bolyai University

·      2007 - 2012 vice decan Faculty of  Mathematics and Computer Science,

·     2011 - associate professor-   Babes-Bolyai University,  Faculty of  Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Hungarian Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca.

·     2005 - 2011-associate professor-   Babes-Bolyai University,  Faculty of  Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Numerical Analysis and Statistics, Cluj-Napoca.

·      1997 – 2005    - lecturer  - Babes-Bolyai University,  Faculty of  Mathematics and Computer science, Cluj-Napoca.

·      1991 – 1997  -mathematics teacher  - Szekely Miko College , Sf.. Gheorghe.

·      1982 – 1991 - mathematics teacher  - No.1. High School,  Tg. Secuiesc


Teaching subjects:

·         Probability theory

·         Mathematical statistics

·         Artificial intelligence

·         Logical and functional programming

·         Stochastic processes and fractals

·         Stochastic search

·         Stochastic phenomena analysis


Research subjects:

·         Deterministic and random fratals

·         Stochastic analysis

·         Stochastic differential equations

·         Homogenization on fractals





Research teams

  1. Interpolatory, combinatory and probabilistic methods in approximation theory, director prof. dr. Gheorghe Coman, Romanian Ministery of Education, T23, 294, 1999, 2000;
  2. Approximations theory and numerical analysis director, prof. dr.Gheorghe Coman, WorldBank Project, cod 87;
  3. Approximation methods and numerical analysis, director prof. dr. O.Agratini, Romanian Ministery of Education, T82, cod 1072, 2001,2002,2003;
  4. Approximation, numerical and probabilistic methods, director prof.dr. O. Agratini, Romanian Ministery of Education, T1, cod 355,2004,2005, 2006;
  5. Nonlinear analysis, Arany Janos Reasearch Project, 2001-2002
  6. Some dinamical systems with applications, Sapientia Reasearch Institute, 2002-2003
  7. Fractal functions and applications, director, Sapientia Reasearch Institute, 2003-2004
  8. Asymptotical analysis and variational problems, Sapientia Reasearch Institute, 2003-2004
  9. Analysis on fractals and random fractals,  Bolyai Reasearch Fellowship, 2003-2006
  10. Viasan-CEEX, 2006-2008, Hateganu Medical University, Babes-Bolyai University
  11. Commenius, 2007-2010 Developing Quality in Mathematics Education II, 134312-DE-2007-CMP, coordinator
  12. FP7, Primas, 2010-2013, Promoting Inquiry in Mathematics and Science education Across Europe, coordinator University Freiburg 
  13. ERASMUS IP project, coordinator, 2012-2013, DSL2013, nr.10/31.08.2012 
  14. MASCIL research project, member, 2013-2016, Mathematics and Science for Life, FP7, nr. 320696 


Professional societies:


·      Romanian Mathematical Society.

·      SIAM

·      Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik.

·      IMS Istitute of Mathematical Statisitcs

·      Bernoulli Society

·      ISI

·      INFORMS/Applied Probability Society

·      Hungarian Operational Research Society

·      Romanian Society for Probability  and Statistics

·      The Society for Hungarian Technical Science in Transylvania EMT

·      Farkas Gyula Association for Mathematics and Informatics






Education and training





Academic degrees:


  • 1982 - Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics


- Title of the diploma work: Caratheodory type theorems.


Adviser: Prof. dr. J. Kolumbán.


  • 1996 - Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Section


Computer Science - Title of the diploma work: Fractals in high school.


  • 2002, July 3 –Ph.D. - Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics

and Computer Science - Cluj-Napoca, Romania. - Title of the thesis:

Random fractals using contraction methods in probabilistic metric spaces

Adviser: Prof. dr. J. Kolumbán


 University education:

  • 1978 – 1982:  Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics
  • 1994 – 1996: Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Section Computer Science
  • 1996 - 2002 (Doctorate) - - Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science



Studies and research abrod:

·         1998-99 Rényi Institute, Budapest, PhD fellowship of Hungarian Academy of Science, (10 months)

·         1999  Eötvös Lóránd  University, Budapest, Domus Hungarica Scientiarum et Artium research grant, (1,5 month).

·         2000 XXX.International Probability School, Saint Flour, 2000.08.17.-09.02, the EMS fellowship

·         2000  Ernst Moritz Arndt  University Greifswald, (1 month) grant of Numerical Analysis and Statistic Department of Babes-Bolyai University

·         2000/2001  Eötvös Lóránd  University, Budapest, Domus Hungarica

·         Scientiarum et Artium research grant, (2 months).

·         2001/2002 University od Szeged, research grand of the Hungarian Ministery

·         of Education, (3 months)

·         2002  Eötvös Lóránd  University, Budapest, CEEPUS grant (1 month)

·         2002  Constantine the Philosopher  University, Nitra, CEEPUS grant, (1 month)

·         2003  Eötvös Lóránd  University, Budapest, CEEPUS grant (1 month)

·         2004 Lisaboa University, Erasmus fellowship, 2004, 01-07.05

·         2005 Technical University Wien, CEEPUS (1 month)

·         2006 Technical University Kosice, CEEPUS (1  month)

·         2006 Eötvös Lóránd  University, Budapest, Domus Hungarica Scientiarum et Artium fellowship (2 months)

·         2007 Eötvös Lóránd  University, Budapest, Erasmus teaching  fellowship

·         2008 Eötvös Lóránd  University,  Budapest, Domus Hungarica Scientiarum et Artium fellowship (1  month)

·         2008 Debrecen University, Debrecen, ERASMUS teaching mobility

·         2009 Johannes Kepler University Linz, CEEPUS fellowship (1  month)

·         2013 Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, CEEPUS fellowship

·         2014 Polytechnical Engineering College, Subotica, Serbia, CEEPUS fellowship

·         2015 University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, CEEPUS fellowship

·         2015 University of Information Science and Technologies St. Paul the Apostle - Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, CEEPUS fellowship

·         2016 Perm University, Perm, ERASMUS mobility

Visiting professor:

·         2009,2010(01 and 04), 2011 AUST, Afrikan University of Science and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria

Invited lectures:

·         1999: J. Safarik University Kosice, "Fractal function and interpolation"

·         2002 University of Szeged, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, "Fractal functions and interpolation"

·         2002 "Eötvös Lóránd" University, Budapest, Department of Numerical Analysis, "Invariant sets in probabilistic metric spaces"

·         2003 University of Szeged, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, "Random fractals"

·         2004 Univ. "Eötvös Lóránd", Budapest, Facultaty of Informatics, Stochastic processes and fractals, for PhD students, [10 lectures]

·         2004 University of Lisbon, Mathematical Institute: "Homogenization on fractals"

·         2004 Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, "Fractal functions and applications"

·         2005 Technical University Wien, Faculty of Discrete Mathemaics and Geometry, "Two scale convergence on fractals"

·         2006 Technical University, Kosice, "Wavelet approximation of solutions of SDE"

·         2006 Technical University Wien, CEI master course, "Fractals in mathematical education" [10 lectures]

·         2007 Univ. "Eötvös Lóránd", Budapest, Facultaty of Informatics, "Inroduction to fractal analysis", for PhD students, [6 lectures]

·         2009 Johann Kepler University Linz, Deparment of Informatics, "Stochastic processes and fractals", 6 lectures for master students

·         2014 Di erentiable Ergodic Theory, Dimension Theory and Stable Foliations, 28.09.-04.10.2014, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, "Approximation of solutions of SDE driven by fractional Brownian motion"

·         2015 Minőségfejlesztés a felsőoktatásban - Idegen nyelvű képzések, 23-24.04.2015, Budapest,"The internationalization of higher education in EUROPE"

·         2015 The Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy, Building Bridges of Peace and Reconciliation in Times of Greater Global Insecurity Berlin, 10- 13.12. 2015, " Universities effective agent of cultural diplomacy"


Personal skills and competences




Mother tongue(s)

Specify mother tongue  Hungarian



Other language(s)







European level (*)




Spoken interaction

Spoken production







































(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages





Organisational skills and competences

Conference organiser

·      International Symposium on Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory, Cluj-Napoca, 9-11 May 2002

·      6th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science Pécs, 12-15 July 2006.

·      XXVI. Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, August  27 - September 2, 2006,Sovata-Bai, Romania, organized by Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen, the Moscow State University, the Steklov Institute of Mathematics in Moscow and the Babes-Bolyai University

·      NAAT2006, Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory, Cluj- Napoca, July 5-8, 2006.

·      18th International Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages IFL’06 , September 4th-6th 2006, Budapest, Hungary

·      Communication and information technology in mathematical education, joint masters programme of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra - Slovak Republic, Vienna University of Technology - Austria, Babes- Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca - Romania, South Bohemian University in Cesk Budejovice - Czech Republic and University of Szeged - Hungary, 2005-2006

·      Central European Functional Programming, Summer School,Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Babes-Bolyai University,June 25-30, 2007

·      Stochastic phenomena, International workshop and summer school, 24-28.05.2008. Cluj Napoca

·      Developing quality in mathematical education, COMMENIUS project yearly conference, 23-27.-9.2008., Cluj Napoca

·      Bolyai Lobachevsky Gauss conference, Cluj Napoca, 2010

·      International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory, NAAT2010 (2010.09. 23- 26)

·      9th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, MACS 2012, 2012.02.9-12, Siófok

·       Transylvanian Student’s  Scientific Conference, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 20009, 2010, 2011, 2012 –s editions

·       140 éves a kolozsvári magyar nyelvű egyetemi oktatás /140 de ani de invătământ universitar in limba maghiară, Cluj, 1-5.10.2012

·       Inquiry-based learning in mathematics and science: PRIMAS project conference, Cluj, 2013.03.23-26.

·       DSL 2013, Central European Functional Programming, Summer School, Cluj, 8-19.07.2013

·       10th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, MACS 2014, 05.21-25.2014

·       NAAT 2014, Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory, Cluj- Napoca, 09. 17-20.2014

·       11th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, MACS 2016, Eger, 20-22.05.2016

·       The Challenges and Cultures of Change in Transylvania, 16th to 18th Centuries, Cluj Napoca, 9-10.12.2016.


Editorial activities:

   Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Mathematica




Technical skills and competences




Computer skills and competences

Latex, MatLab, Maple  programming





Driving licence




Additional information

· ERASMUS coordinator at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2007-2011

· Intenship coordinator at  Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2007-2011

· Student reasearch coordinator, 2005-2009

· Prezident of Hungarian University Fundation 2006-2013




