Vol. 25(2024) No. 2



  Certain fixed point results for asymptotically ℛ-nonexpansive mappings
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Fixed Point Theory, Volume 25, No. 2, 2024, 589-600, June 15th, 2024

DOI: 10.24193/fpt-ro.2024.2.09

Authors: Md Hasanuzzaman and Mohammad Imdad

Abstract: In this paper, we study the existence of fixed points for asymptotically ℛ-nonexpansive self-mappings defined on a subset K of a uniformly convex Banach space equipped with a transitive binary relation ℛ.

Key Words and Phrases: Fixed point, asymptotically nonexpansive mapping, uniformly convex Banach space, binary relation.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10, 47H09, 47J26, 46B20.

Published on-line: June 15th, 2024.

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