List of Publications

Curriculum Vitae
List of Publications
A. Books and Monographs
  1. Teoria punctului fix I, Teoria punctului fix īn structuri algebrice, Babeș-Bolyai University, 1971, 96 pag.

  2. Teoria punctului fix II, Teoria punctului fix īn analiza funcțională, Babeș-Bolyai University, 1973, 159 pag.

  3. (with Gh. Coman, G. Pavel) Introducere īn teoria ecuațiilor operatoriale, Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1976, 179 pag.

  4. Metrical fixed point theorems, Babeș-Bolyai University, 1979, 111 pag.

  5. Principii și aplicații ale teoriei punctului fix, Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1979, 261 pag.

  6. On the problem of  Darboux-Ionescu, Babeș-Bolyai University, 1981, 32 pag.

  7. Generalized contractions, Babeș-Bolyai University, SFPT 1983, 130 pag.

  8. (coordinator; with N. Both, Gh. Coman, I. Mihoc, M. Mihoc, I. Purdea, M. Tarina) Matematica și aplicațiile sale, Editura Științifică, București, 1995, 360 pag.

  9. Picard operators and applications, Babeș-Bolyai University, 1996, 36 pag.

  10. (with D. Chiorean, B. Rus, D. Trif) Rezultate și probleme īn dinamica unui operator, Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 1997, 49 pag.

  11. Generalized contractions and applications, Presa Universitară Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca, 2001, 198 pag.

  12. (with A. Petruşel, G. Petruşel) Fixed point theory 1950-2000. Romanian contributions, House of the book of science, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, 308 pag.

  13. Fixed Point Structure Theory, Cluj University Press, 2006, 215 pag. (book-pdf)


B. Lectures and didactical publications

  1. (with P. Pavel) Ecuații diferențiale și integrale, Babeș-Bolyai University, 1973, 228 pag.

  2. Ecuații diferențiale și integrale. Īntrebări de control, Babeș-Bolyai University, 1975, 50 pag.   

  3. (with P. Pavel) Ecuații diferențiale și integrale, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, București, 1975, 223 pag.

  4. (with P. Pavel) Ecuații diferențiale, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, București, 1982, 139 pag.

  5. (with P. Pavel, Gh. Micula, B. Ionescu) Probleme de ecuații diferențiale și cu derivate parțiale, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, București, 1982, 189 pag.

  6. Ecuații diferențiale, Ecuații integrale și Sisteme dinamice, Transilvania Press, Cluj-Napoca, 1996, 229 pag.

  7. (with E. Muntean) Matematica şi Informatica. Trecut, prezent şi viitor, Promedia-Plus, Cluj-Napoca, 1998, 195 pag.

  8. (with C. Iancu) Modelare matematică, Transilvania Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2000.


C. Papers published in abroad journals

  1. Theoremes de comparaison pour les systemes elliptiques aux derives partielles du second ordre, Boll. U.M. Italiana, 22 (1967), 486-490.

  2. (with J. Peetre) Sur la positivite de la fonction de Green, Math. Scandinavica, 21 (1967), 80-89.

  3. Theorems de comparaison pour les systemes d'equation differentielles du second ordre, Bol. U.M. Italiana, 1968, 540-542.               

  4. Un principe du maximum pour les solutions d'un systeme fortemen elliptique, Glasnik mat., 4 (1969), 75-78.       

  5. Sur la positivite de la fonction de Green correspondente au probleme bilocal, Glasnik mat., 5 (1970), 251-257.

  6. Some fixed point theorems in metric spaces, Rend. inst. di mat., Univ. Trieste, 3 (1971), fasc.II, 169-172

  7. Fixed point theorems for multivalued mappings in complete metric spaces, Math. Japonica, 20 (1975), 21-24.

  8. Approximation of fixed points generalized contraction mappings, Topics in numerical analysis, Dublin, 1975, 157-161.

  9. Surjectivity and iterated mappings, Mathematics seminar notes, 10 (1982), 179-181.

  10. On a theorem of Eisenfeld-Lakshmikantham, Nonlinear analysis, 7 (1983), 279-281.

  11. Technique of the fixed point structures, Bull. Appl. Math., 737 (1991), 3-16.

  12. On a theorem of Dieudonne, Diff. Eq. and Control Theory, Longmand, 1991, 296-298.         

  13. Some remarks on coincidence theory, Pure Mathematics manuscript, 9 (1991), 137-148.

  14. Maximum principle for elliptic systems, Int. Series of Num. Math., 107 (1992), 37-45, Birkhauser.

  15. Weakly Picard mappings, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 34, 4 (1993), 769-773.

  16. Technique of the fixed point structures for multivalued mappings, Math. Japonica, 38 (1993), 289-296.

  17. Some open problems in fixed point theory by means of fixed point structures, Libertas Math., 14 (1994), 65-84.

  18. Fiber Picard operators on generalized metric spaces and applications, Scripta Sc. Math., 1 (1999), fas.2, 326-334.

  19. (with N. Lungu) Hyperbolic Differential Inequalities, Libertas Mathematica, 21 (2001), 35-40

  20. A class of nonlinear integral equations, via weakly Picard operators, BAM, 1928 (2001), 375-384.

  21. (with A. Petruşel) Dynamics on (Pcp(X), Hd) generated by a finite family of multi-valued operators on (X, d), Mathematica Moravica, 5 (2001), 103-110

  22. (with A. Petrușel, A. Sintamarian) Data dependence of the fixed point of some   multivalued weakly Picard operators, Nonlinear Analysis, 52 (2003), 1947-1959.

  23. Picard operators and applications, Sc. Math. Japonicae, 58 (2003), No.1, 191-219.

  24. Iterates of Bernstein operators, via contraction principle, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 292 (2004), 259-261.

  25. (with O. Agratini) Iterates of a class of discrete linear operators via contraction principle, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 44, 3 (2003), 555-563.

  26. (with O. Agratini) Iterates of some bivariate approximation process via weakly Picard operators, Nonlinear Analysis Forum, 8 (2003), 159-168.

  27. (with A. Petruşel) Multivalued Picard and weakly Picard operators, Proceed. Internat. Conf. on Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Valencia (Spain), 2003 (2004), 207-226.

  28. (with A. Petruşel) Fixed point theorems in ordered L-spaces, Proc. AMS, 133 (2005)

  29. (with A. Petruşel, J.- C. Yao) Well-posedness in the generalized sense of the fixed point problems for multivalued operators, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 11 (2007), 3, 903-914.

  30. (with N. Lungu),  On a functional Volterra-Fredholm integral equation, via Picard operators, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 3 (2009), 4, 519-527.

  31. Gronwall Lemma Approach to the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability of an Integral Equation, Nonlinear Analysis and Variational Problems: In honor of George Isac  Book Series: Springer Series in Optimization and Its Applications, 35 (2010), 147-152.

  32. (with M. Păcurar) Fixed point theory for cyclic phi-contractions, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications, 72 (2010), 3-4, 1181-1187.

  33. (with A. Petruşel), An abstract point of view on iterative approximation schemes of fixed points for multivalued operators,  Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 6 (2013), 2, 97-107.

  34. (with A. Petruşel, M.-A. Şerban), The role of equivalent metrics in fixed point theory, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 41 (2013), 1, 85-112.

  35. (with A. Petruşel, M.-A. Şerban) Fixed Points, Fixed Sets and Iterated Multifunction Systems for Nonself Multivalued Operators, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 23 (2015), 2, 223-237.

  36. (with V. Berinde, St. Maruster), An abstract point of view on iterative approximation of fixed points of nonself operators, J. Nonlinear and Convex Anal., 15 (2014), No.5, 851-865.

  37. Results and problems in Ulam stability of operatorial equations and inclusions, in: T.M. Rassias (ed.), Handbook of Functional Equations, 323-352, Springer (2014).


D. Papers published in romanian journals

  1. Teoreme de tip Sturm, Studia Univ. Cluj, fasc.1, 1961, 131-136.

  2. Asupra unor teoreme de tip Sturm, Studia Univ. Cluj, fasc.2, 1962, 33-36.                   

  3. Asupra rădăcinilor componentelor soluțiilor unui sistem de două ecuații diferențiale de ordinul I, Studii și cercet. mat. 14, 1963, 151-156.

  4. Proprietăți ale zerourilor soluțiilor ecuațiilor diferențiale neliniare de ordinul al doilea, Studia Univ. Cluj, fasc.1, 1965, 47-50.

  5. Familii de funcții cu proprietatea lui Sturm, Studia Univ. Cluj, fasc.1, 1966, 37-40.

  6. Proprietăți ale zerourilor componentelor soluțiilor unui sistem de două ecuații diferențiale neliniare de ordinul 1, Studii și cercet. mat., București, 18, 1966, 1549-1553.

  7. Asupra pozitivității funcției lui Riemann, Lucrările colocviului de teoria aproximării, 1967, Cluj-Napoca, 199-200.

  8. Asupra unicității soluției lui Dirichlet relative la sisteme de ecuații eliptice, Colloque sur les equations fonctionnelles, București, 1968, pp.58.   

  9. Sur les proprietes des normes des solutions d'un systeme d'equations differentielles du second ordre, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 13, 1, 1968, 19-26.

  10. Sur l'unicite de la solution du probleme de Riquier, Studia Univ. Cluj, fasc.1, 1969, 48-49.     

  11. Asupra unicității soluției problemei lui Dirichlet, Studii și cercet. mat., București, 20 (1968), 1337-1352.        

  12. Asupra unei probleme bilocale, Studii și cercet. mat., București, 10 (1969), 1511-1521.

  13. Asupra existenței punctelor fixe ale aplicațiilor, Lucrări științifice (Tg. Mureș), 2 (1970), 21-23.

  14. Differentiability of a function defined on a algebric extension, Revue roumaine de math. pures et appl., 5 (1971), 661-664, īn colaborare cu I. Cont

  15. Quelques remarques sur la theorie de point fixe, Studia Univ. Cluj, fasc.2, 1971, 5-7.

  16. Some fixed point theorems in locally convex space, An. Șt. ale Univ. din Iași, 18, 1972, 49-53.

  17. O metode posledoviselninih Priblijenii, Revue roumaine de math. pures et appl., 17 (1972), 1433-1437.

  18. Asupra punctelor fixe ale aplicațiilor definite pe un produs cartezian. I: Structuri algebrice, Studii și cercet. mat., 24 (1972), 891-896.

  19. Asupra punctelor fixe ale aplicațiilor definite pe un produs cartezian. II: Spații metrice, Stud. și  cercet. mat. 24 (1972), 897-904.

  20. Quelques remarques sur la theorie du point fixe (II), Studia Univ. Cluj, fasc.2, 1972, 5-7.       

  21. On a common fixed points, Studia Univ. Cluj, fasc.1, 1973, 31-33.

  22. Quelques remarques sur la theorie du point fixe (III), Studia Univ. Cluj, fasc.2, 1972, 5-7.

  23. Principii de maxim pentru sisteme de ecuații, Lucrările conferinței de ecuații diferențiale și aplicații, Iași, 1974, 77-80.

  24. On a fixed point theorem of Maia, Studia Univ. Cluj, fasc.1, 1977, 40-42.

  25. On a fixed point theorem in a set with two metrics, L'anal. numerique et la theorie de l'approxim., 6 (1977), 197-201.

  26. Rezultate și probleme īn teoria metrică a punctelor fixe comune, Seminarul itinerant de ecuatii funcționale, Cluj-Napoca, 1978, 65-69.

  27. Asupra punctelor fixe ale aplicațiilor definite pe un produs cartezian (III), Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, fasc.2, 1979, 55-56.

  28. Results and problems in the metrical common fixed point theory, Math. 24, fasc.2, 1979, 189-194.    

  29. Results and problems in the metrical fixed point theory, Ann. Șt. Univ. Al. I. Cuza, 25, S.I., 1979, 153-160.

  30. Approximation of common fixed point in a generalized metric space, L'analyse numerique et la theorie de l'approx., 8, 1979, 83-87.

  31. Some remarks on the common fixed point theorems, Math. 21, 1979, 63-66.    

  32. Some metrical fixed point theorems, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 1, 1979, 73-77.

  33. Some general fixed point theorems for multivalued mappings in complete metric spaces, Proceed of the third colloc. on operations research, 1979, 240-249.

  34. Punct de vedere categorial īn teoria punctului fix, Seminarul itinerant, Timișoara, 1980, 205-209.

  35. Aplicații cu iterate contracții, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, fasc.4, 1980, 47-51.

  36. Asupra unei probleme a lui D.V. Ionescu, Itinerant seminar, 1979, Cluj-Napoca, 177-183.      

  37. Compactitate și puncte fixe in spatii metrice, Seminarul itinerant Cluj-Napoca, 1981, 1-7.       

  38. An iterative method for the solution of the equation X=F(X,...,X), L'analyse numerique et la th. de l'app., 10(1981), nr.1, 95-100.

  39. On a review of R. Schoenberg, Seminar on fixed point theory, 1981, 104-107.

  40. Some remarks on the fixed point theorem of Nemyskii-Edelstein, Seminar on fixed point theory, 1981, 108-111.                 

  41. On a problem of Darboux-Ionescu, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 2, 1981, 43-44.

  42. Some equivalent conditions in the metrical fixed point theory, Mathematica, 23 (1981), nr.2, 271-272.

  43. Basic problem for Maia's theorem, Seminar on Fixed Point Theory, 1981, 112-115.

  44. Generalized PHI-contractions, Math., 24, 1982, 175-178.

  45. Teoreme de punct fix īn spații Banach, Seminarul itinerant, Cluj-Napoca, 1982,  327-332.

  46. Coincidence and surjectivity, Report of the sixth conference on operator theory, 1981, 57-61.

  47. Rezultate și probleme īn teoria punctului fix, Al III-lea simpozion național de analiză funcțională, Craiova, 1983, 67-77.

  48. Fixed points and surjectivity for (Alpha-Phi)-contraction, Itinerant Sem.1983, 143-146.

  49. Probleme actuale īn analiza neliniară, Seminarul Theodor Angheluta, 1983, 67-77.

  50. Seminar of fixed point theory: Fifteen years of activity, SFPT 1984, 1-19.                   

  51. A fixed point theorem for (Gamma, Phi)-contractions, SFPT 1984, 55-59.

  52. Relative fixed point property, SFPT 1984, 60-62.

  53. (with A. S. Mureşan) Example and counterexamples for Janos mappings, SFPT 1984, 63-66.

  54. Measures of non-compact-convexity and fixed point, Itin. semin. of functional eq., 1984, 173-180.

  55. Bessaga mappings, Proceed. colloq. on approx. theory, 1984, 164-172.

  56. Mathematical models in physics: structural stability, Proceed. math. symp. meth. mod. and tech. in physics, Cluj-Napoca, 1984, 19-28.

  57. Remarks on (Beta,phi)-contractions, Itin. sem. on funct. eq., 1985, 199-202.

  58. Separation theorems for the zeros of some real functions, Math., 27 (1985), 43-46       

  59. A general fixed point principle, SFPT 1985, 69-76.

  60. Fixed and strict fixed points for multivalued mappings, SFPT 1985, 77-82.

  61. Fixed point structures, Math., 28 (1986), 59-64.

  62. The fixed point structures and the retraction-mapping principle, SFPT 1986, 175-184.

  63. Maximum principle for first-order elliptical systems, SFPT 1986, 253-258.

  64. Normcontraction mappings outside a bounded subset, Itin. Sem. 1986, 257-260.

  65. Further remarks on the fixed point structures, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 31 (1986), nr.4, 41-43.

  66. Mathematical models in physics technique of diff. eq. with deviating arguments, Proceed. symp. M.M. and tech. in physics, Cluj-Napoca, 1987, 12-23.                 

  67. Maximum principle for some systems of diff. eq. with derivating arguments, Studia, 32 (1987), nr.1, 53-59.

  68. Technique of the fixed point structures, SFPT 1987, 3-16.

  69. Maximum principle for some nonlinear diff. eq. with deviating arguments, Studia nr.2, 32 (1987), fasc.2, 53-57.                 

  70. Picard mappings. Results and problems, Itin. Sem. 1987, 55-64.

  71. Some vector maximum principle for second order elliptic systems, Mathematica, 29 (1987), nr.1.       

  72. Measures of nonconvexity and fixed points, Itinerant sem. funct. eq. approx. conv., Preprint nr.6, 1988, 111-118.

  73. Retraction method in the fixed point theory in ordered structures, SFPT 1988, 1-8.

  74. Maximum principle for strongly elliptic systems: a conjecture, Conf. on Dif. Eq. 1988, 43-46

  75. Fixed point retractible mappings, Proceed. Conf. on Geometry and Top. 1988, 163-166.

  76. Picard mappings. I, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 33 (1988), nr.2, 70-73.

  77. Discrete fixed point theorems, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 33 (1988), fasc.3, 61-64.

  78. On a general fixed point principle for (q-j)-contraction, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 34 (1989), fasc.1, 65-70.

  79. Basic problems of the metric fixed point theory. I, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 34 (1989), fasc.2, 61-69.

  80. R-contraction, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 34 (1989), fasc.3, 58-62.

  81. (with A. S. Mureşan) Technique of differential equations with deviating arguments in economics (I), Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, Oeconomica, 34 (1989), fasc.1, 68-73.

  82. A delay integral equation from biomathematics, SFPT 1989, 87-90.

  83. On some elliptic equations with deviating arguments, SFPT nr.3, 1989, 91-100.           

  84. Reducible multivalued mapping and fixed point, Semin. Itin., Cluj-Napoca, 1990, 77-82

  85. On some metric conditions on the mappings, SFPT 1991, 1-4.

  86. Basic problems of the metric fixed point theory revisited, II, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 36(1991), 81-89.

  87. On a conjecture of Horn in coincidence theory, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 36 (1991), 71-75.

  88. (with C. Iancu), A functional-differential model for price fluctuations in a single commodity market, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 38 (1993), fasc.2, 9-14.

  89. Fixed point structures with the common fixed point property, Mathematica, 38 (1996), 181-187

  90. A general functional inequality and its applications, Revue d'Anal. Numerique et de Theorie de l'Approx., 26 (1997), 209-213.

  91. An abstract point of view for some integral equation from applied mathematics in Proc. of the Int. Conf. on nonlin. system, Timișoara, 1997, 256-270.

  92. Stability of attractor of a j-contractions system, Seminar on fixed point theory, 1998, 31-34.

  93. (with S. Muresan) Data dependence of the fixed points of  weakly Picard operators, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 43 (1998), fasc.1, 79-83.

  94. Fixed point theorems for q-condensing mappings, Studia UBB, 35 (1990), fas.2, 71-80.

  95. Technique of the fixed point structures, Bul. St. Univ. Baia Mare, Ser.B7, No.1-2, 27-30 (1991).

  96. A fibre generalized contraction theorem and applications, Mathematica, 41 (1999), Nr.1, 85-90.

  97. (with B. Rus, D. Trif) Some properties of the w-limit points set of an operator, Studia UBB, 44 (1999), fas.2, 85-92.

  98. Fiber Picard operators theorem and applications, Studia UBB, 44 (1999), fas.3, 89-98.

  99. An abstract point of view in the nonlinear difference equations, Conf. on Analysis, Funct. Eq., Approx. and Conv., Cluj-Napoca, 1999, 272-276.

  100. Some open problems of fixed point theory, Seminar on fixed point theory, 1999, 19-39.

  101. (with S. Mureșan), Data dependence of the fixed points set of some weakly Picard operators, Seminar Itinerant, Cluj-Napoca, 2000, 201-208.

  102. On a class of functional-integral equations, Sem. on Best Approx. Th., 2000, 279-288

  103. (with C. Iancu) Wheeler-Feynman problem for mixed first order functional-differential equations, Sem. Itinerant, 2000, 197-200.

  104. (with V.G. Angelov) Data dependence of the fixed points set of multivalued weakly Picard operators in uniform spaces, Studia UBB, 45 (2000), fas.2, 3-10.

  105. (with B. Rus) Algebraic properties of the operator A„, Studia UBB, 45 (2000), 65-68.

  106. (with F. Aldea) Fixed points, zeros and surjectivity, Studia UBB, 45 (2000), fas.4, 109-116      

  107. Fixed point structures on P(X) generated by a fixed point structures on X, Itinerant  Seminar, 2001, 205-210

  108. (with A. Petruşel, A. Sīntămărian) Data dependence of the fixed points set of multivalued weakly Picard operators, Studia UBB, 46 (2001), Nr. 2, 111-122

  109. WPO and applications, SFPT, 2 (2001), 37-54

  110. (with B. Rus) Dynamics on (Pcp(X), Hd) generated by a set of dynamics on (X,d), Studia UBB, 46 (2001), Nr. 4, 95-103.

  111. A class of nonlinear functional-integral equations via weakly Picard operators, Anal. Univ. Craiova, ser. Mat. - Infor., 28 (2001), 10-15.

  112. A problem related to fixed point theory, Itinerant Seminar, 2002, 245-250

  113. Functional-differential equation of mixed type, via weakly Picard operators, SFPT, 3 (2002), 335-346.

  114. (with A. S. Mureşan) Examples and counterexamples for Janos mappings, SFPT, 1984, 63-66.

  115. Iterates of Stancu operators via contraction principles, Studia UBB, 47 (2002), 101-104

  116. Some applications of weakly Picard operators, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 48 (2003), nr.1, 101-107.

  117. (with S. Mureşan si E. Miklos) Maximal fixed point structures, Studia Univ. Babeș-Bolyai, 48 (2003), nr. 3, 141-145.

  118. Strict  fixed point theory, Fixed Point Theory, 4 (2003), No.2, 177-183

  119. (with V. Dārzu-Ilea) First order functional-differential equations with both advanced and retarded arguments, Fixed Point Theory, Volume 5, No. 1, 2004, 103-116.

  120. Weakly Picard operators on K-metric spaces, Ann. T. Popoviciu Seminar, 1 (2003), 153-159.

  121. Sequences of operators and fixed points, Fixed Point Theory, Vol. 5, no.2/2004, 349-368

  122. Fixed points, upper and lower fixed points: abstract Gronwall lemmas, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, Vol.20, No.1, 2004, 125-134.

  123. Cyclic representations and fixed points, Ann. T. Popoviciu Seminar of  Func. Eq. Approx. Conv., 3 (2005), 171-178.

  124. (with A.S. Mureşan and V. Mureşan) Weakly Picard operators on a set with two metrics, Fixed Point Theory, 6 (2005), Nr. 2, 323-331.

  125. (with E. Egri) Boundary value problems for iterative functional-differential equations, Studia UBB, Math., 51 (2006), Nr. 2, 109-126.

  126. (with A. Petruşel and M.A. Şerban) Weakly Picard operators: equivalent definitions, applications and open problems, Fixed Point Theory, 7 (2006), No.1, 1 -20.

  127. The theory of a metrical fixed point theorem: theoretical and applicative relevances, Fixed Point Theory, 9 (2008), No. 2, 541-559.

  128. Abstract models of step method which imply the convergence of successive approximations, Fixed Point Theory, 9 (2008), No. 1, 293-307.

  129. (with D. Otrocol) Functional-differential equations with maxima of mixed type,   Fixed Point Theory, 9 (2008), No. 1, 207-220.

  130. (with N. Lungu), Ulam stability of a nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equation, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 24 (2008), 3, 403-408.

  131. (with D. Otrocol) Functional-differential equations with "maxima" via weakly Picard operators theory, Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie, 51 (2008), 3, 253-261.

  132. Remarks on Ulam stability of the operatorial equations, Fixed Point Theory, 10 (2009), 2, 305-320.

  133. (with A. Chis-Novac, R. Precup) Data dependence of fixed points for non-self generalized contractions, Fixed Point Theory, 10 (2009), No.1, 73-87.

  134. Iterates of Stancu operators (via fixed point principles) revisited, Fixed Point Theory, 11 (2010), No. 2, 369-374.

  135. (with S. Andras) Iterates of Cesaro operators, via fixed point principle, Fixed Point Theory, 11 (2010), No. 2, 171-178.

  136. Ulam stabilities of ordinary differential equations in a Banach space, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 26 (2010), 1, 103-107.

  137. (with M.-A. Şerban, D. Trif), Step method for some integral equations from biomathematics, Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie, 54 (2011), 2, 167-183.

  138. An abstract point of view on iterative approximation of fixed points: Impact on the theory of fixed point equations, Fixed Point Theory, 13 (2012), No. 1, 179-192 .

  139. Properties of the solutions of those equations for which the Krasnoselskii iteration converges, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 28 (2012), 2, 329-336.

  140. (with N. Lungu) Gronwall inequalities via Picard operators, Analele Ştiințifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași - serie nou㠖 Matematica, 58 (2012), 2, 269-278.

  141. (with M.-A. Şerban) Basic problems of the metric fixed point theory and the relevance of a metric fixed point theorem, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 29 (2013), 2, 239-258.

  142. (with M.-A. Şerban) Some existence results for a system of operatorial equations, Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie, 57 (2014), 1, 101-108.

  143. The generalized retraction methods in fixed point theory for nonself operators, Fixed Point Theory, 15 (2014), No. 2, 559-578.

  144. (with V. Berinde, M. Păcurar) From a Dieudonne theorem concerning the Cauchy problem to an open problem in the theory of weakly Picard operators, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 30 (2014), 3, 283-292.


E. Publications with general character

  1. Mulțimi, aplicații și ecuații, Lucrările Seminarului Didactica Matematicii, 1 (1984/1985), 83-90.

  2. Principii de punct fix, Sem. Did. Mat., 2 (1985/1986), 172-179.

  3. Puncte fixe, zerouri și surjectivitate, Sem. Did. Mat., 3 (1986/1987), 219-226.

  4. (with M. Tarina) Momentul Descartes īn istoria matematicii, 4 (1987/1988), 251-264.

  5. (with P. Mocanu and M. Tarina) Creativitatea īn matematică, Sem. Did. Mat., 5 (1988/1989), 177-190.

  6. Modelare matematică, Sem. Did. Mat., 6 (1989/1990), 275-292.

  7. On the zeros of components of solutions of first order system of differential equations, Sem. Did. Mat., 7 (1990/1992), 117-122.

  8. Teoria discretă a punctului fix, Sem. Did. Mat., 11 (1995), 159-168.

  9. Ecuațiile diferențiale īn matematica pură și īn matematica aplicată, Aletheia, 10 (1999), 154-157.

  10. Probleme matematice ale biologiei: Biomatematica, Aletheia, 11 (2000), 177-181.

  11. (with Gh. Coman) On the sixtieth birthday of  Professor D. D. Stancu, Seminar on Numerical  and Statistical Calculus, UBB, 1987, 1-28.

  12. Who authored the first integral equation book in the world? SFPT, 1 (2000), 81-86.

  13. Probleme matematice ale economiei: Economii matematice, Aletheia, 12 (2001), 520-524.

  14. (ed.) Mathematical contributions of  D. V. Ionescu, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 2001

  15. (with Gh. Coman, A. Vernescu), Acad. D. D. Stancu la 75 de ani, Gazeta Mat. Seria A, 20 (2002), Nr. 1, 55-56.

  16. (with Gh. Coman, L. Tāmbulea) Professor D.D. Stancu, at his 75th birthday, Studia UBB, 47 (2002), Nr.4, 3-12.

  17. Domeniile matematicii, Familia, seria a V-a, februarie, 1981, Nr.2.

  18. Un bihorean prin universul matematic:  Prof. dr. Gheorghe Micula.

  19. Petre Sergescu (1893-1954).  Mathématicien roumain et promoteur de l’histoire des sciences, Dictionnaire des relations franco-roumaines, 2003.



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