
The papers will be published in:

Here, please find the files needed in order to prepare the manuscript for the Proceedings:

DEADLINE for submitting a paper is DECEMBER 30, 2022.

Please submit the paper following the “Instruction for the authors” from the site of the journal that you prefer and send also an email to the address for notifying us.


The proceedings of the last editions may be found here:

  • NAAT 2018 (published in Studia Universitatis Babes – Bolyai, Mathematica, Vol 64 (2019), No. 2)

  • NAAT 2014 (published in Studia Universitatis Babes – Bolyai, Mathematica, Vol 60 (2015), No. 2)

  • NAAT 2010 (published in Studia Universitatis Babes – Bolyai, Mathematica, Vol 56 (2011), No. 2)