Editorial Board
Aims and Scope
Information for Authors
Tables of Contents
Author and Subject Index
Mathematica - Volume 22 (45) (1980)

No. 1

ACHARI, J.: Common non-unique fixed points of two mappings
Pages 5-8

AROLSKA, M. At. ; BAINOV, D. D.: Periodic solutions of equations of neutral type
Pages 9-14

CAPODANNO, P.: Sur le problème de l’intégration des équations du mouvement d’un profil au sein d’un fluide parfait incompressible en mouvement irrotationnel
Pages 15-31

COROVEI, I.: The functional equation f(xy) + f(xy -1) = 2f(x)g(y) for nilpotent groups
Pages 33-41

DANI, E.: Distribution of trees, depending on lenght, order of rotation group and the number of divisors of a given type
Pages 43-52

KOLOMY, J.: Determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of self-adjoint operators
Pages 53-58

KRALL, A. M.: On complex ortogonality of Legendre and Jacobi polynomials
Pages 59-65

KRAMER, H.: Hyperparallelograms inscribed to convex bodies
Pages 67-70

LEONTE, A.: Kakutani’s metric and continuity of convolution
Pages 71-73

MAKSAY, S.: A probabilistic distribution law with practical applications
Pages 75-76

MOCANU, P. T.: Starlikeness and convexity for non-analytic functions in the unit disc
Pages 77-83

MOLDOVAN, G.: L’évaluation de l’erreur de l’approximation d’une fonction continue par certains opérateurs linéaires positifs
Pages 85-95

MUNTEAN, I.: The spectrum of the Cesàro operator
Pages 97-105

NÉMETH, A. B.: Some differential properties of the convex mappings
Pages 107-114

NIŢESCU, C.: Recurrent properties of concircular related spaces
Pages 115-120

OANCEA, E.: Une méthode statistique polinomiale d’intégration numérique
Pages 121-126

POP, M. S.: On the boundary in topological n-semigroups
Pages 127-130

RIPIANU, D.: Sur la fonctionnelle f(z1)/f'(z2) au cas de fonctions typiquement réelles (II)
Pages 131-165

No. 2

ABIAN, Al.: Free p-rings and the two countable chain conditions
Pages 177-188

ARNĂUTU, V.: Characterization and approximation of optimal control of a class of non-convex distributed control problems
Pages 189-205

AL-AMIRI, H.: On the Ruscheweyh-Mocanu α-convex functions of order n
Pages 207-213

BĂLAN, V.: A uniform convergence on convergent filters
Pages 215-221

BOGUCKI, Z. ; ZDERKIEWICZ, J.: Sur la caractéristique de la convexité des lignes de niveau des fonctions de la famille Σ
Pages 223-229

BÖHMER, K. ; COMAN, Gh.: On some approximation schemes on triangle
Pages 231-235

CĂLUGĂREANU, G. G.: Some remarks about mutual pseudocomplements in lattices
Pages 237-239

COROIANU, I.: An error estimation formula for numerical integration methods of high order
Pages 241-245

DIACONU, A.: Sur quelques méthodes itératives combinées
Pages 247-261

DUCA, D. I.: On sufficient optimality conditions in nonlinear programming in complex space
Pages 263-267

FRAGA, R. J. ; PARK, Y. L.: On hyper-real rings of quotients
Pages 269-271

ILIOI, C.: On the convergence of a feasible directions algorithm for minimization of convex nonsmooth functionals subjected to convex nonsmooth constraints
Pages 273-278

VAISH, S. K.: Mean values of entire Dirichlet series of fast growth
Pages 279-284

KURTH, R.: Poincaré - recurrent phase flows
Pages 285-288

MARCU, D.: On certain vector space associated to the oriented finite graphs
Pages 289-295

MARUȘCIAC, I.: Infrapolynomials and Pareto optimization
Pages 297-307

RATTRAY, Ch. M. I. ; RUS, T.: The GP of modelling, or the education of the applied mathematical modeller
Pages 309-332