Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai

                          Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică


                     Dynamical Systems / Sisteme dinamice   

  Spring / Primăvara 2024



Adriana Buică   (Lectures)

Veronica Ilea  (Seminars)

Adrian Viorel    (Seminars and Labs)

Andrei Stan (Labs)





We will use Microsoft Teams for meetings organized according to the schedule  https://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/files/orar/2023-2/tabelar/IE1.html

The name of the main team is:




The code to access the team is




Materials for the lectures, seminars, labs, will be posted in Teams.




Grading Policy


·       10 points:  One seminar test (in seminar 6)

·       15 points: One lab test (in lab 7)

·       5 points: Active participation in each lab

·       60 points:  final (written) exam

·       10 points: granted



                    Minimal requirements in order to participate to the final exam  (in either of  the two sessions)

·       It is compulsory to participate to at least 6 of the 7 Labs and at least to 5 of the 7 Seminars.                       

                     Normally, the student has to attend the Labs and Seminars as scheduled for his group.

                     In the case he missed one of such date he can go with another group.  We will not organize extra labs and seminars.



                     Minimal requirements in order to pass the final exam

·       To obtain at least 7 points at the lab test.

·       To obtain at least 15 points at the final written exam.

·       To obtain at least 50 points (from the 100).


                      From Regulamentul de organizare si functionare a Facultatii de matematica si informatica



·       “Frauda la examene se pedepseste cu exmatricularea. Copierea lucrarilor de laborator, proiectelor,

lucrarilor de control, etc. este considerata frauda si se pedepseste ca atare.”


                    Any behavior considered a distraction to those around you, including the professor, will not be tolerated. 


                      I recommend you to come and participate actively to the lectures, seminars and labs.

                      It is important to understand very well all the material, especially the one presented during the lectures.



                          Bibliography (optional)

1.     K.T. Alligood, T.D. Sauer, J.A. Yorke, Chaos: an Introduction to Dynamical Systems, Springer, 1996.

2.     P. Blanchard, R.L. Devaney, G.R. Hall, Differential Equations, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2012.

3.     R. J. Brown, A Modern Introduction to Dynamical Systems, Oxford University Press, 2018.

4.     S.E. Elaydi, Discrete Chaos: with applications in science and engineering, CRC Press, 2008.   DC

5.     J. Hale, H. Koçak, Dynamics and bifurcations, Springer, 1991.

6.     M.W. Hirsch, S. Smale, R.L. Devaney, Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and an Introduction to Chaos,

Academic Press, 2004.  

7.     N. Lebovitz, Ordinary Differential Equations, http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~lebovitz/odes.html

8.     David Morin, Oscillations and waves, https://scholar.harvard.edu/david-morin/waves

9.     M. Oberguggenberger, A. Ostermann, Analysis for Computer Scientists. Foundations, methods, and algorithms, Springer, 2011.

10.  M.A. Șerban, Ecuații și sisteme de ecuații diferențiale, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2009.

11.  Interesting materials:  Pendulum_Video     Chaos Video  

 Map of Mathematics_video   Map of Physics video   Euler's identity 

  Resonance Video1    Resonance Video2       e to the pi i _Video

 Maple and Fractals    Maple-Lissajous curves   http://www.peterstone.name/Maplepgs/fractals.html