- S. Crivei, G. Olteanu, D. Keskin Tütüncü,
F-Baer objects with respect to a fully invariant short exact sequence in abelian categories,
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- S. Crivei, G. Olteanu,
π-Rickart and dual π-Rickart objects in abelian categories,
J. Algebra Appl. 20 (2021), 2150232 (15 pages).
- S. Crivei, G. Olteanu,
Strongly Rickart objects in abelian categories: Applications to strongly regular and strongly Baer objects,
Comm. Algebra 46 (2018), 4426-4447.
- S. Crivei, G. Olteanu,
Strongly Rickart objects in abelian categories,
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Rickart and dual Rickart objects in abelian categories: Transfer via functors,
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Strongly relative regular modules and excellent extensions of rings,
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On idempotents and the number of simple components of semisimple group algebras,
Algebr. Represent. Theory 19 (2016), 315-333.
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Construction of minimal non-abelian left group codes,
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E. Jespers, G. Olteanu, Á. del Río, I. Van Gelder,
Central units of integral group rings,
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Baer-Galois connections and applications,
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(2002), 149--164.
- G. Olteanu, Wedderburn decomposition of
group algebras and applications, EFES Publishing House,
Cluj-Napoca, 2008, 165pp, ISBN 978-973-7677-98-3.
(2009h:16032), Zbl1165.16001
- S.
Crivei, G.
Olteanu, Algebraic
aspects of public-key cryptography, EFES Publishing House,
Cluj-Napoca, 2008, 128pp, ISBN 978-606-526-012-2.
Text books
- A.S.
Muresan, D.A. Filip, P. Curt, R.I. Lung, G. Olteanu, V. Radu, A. Rosca, M.
Pacurar, P.T. Petru, G. Brendea, Matematici aplicate in economie,
Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2011, 278pp, ISBN
- A.S.
Muresan, D.A. Filip, M. Mihoc, P. Curt, I. Rap, R.I. Lung, G. Olteanu, V. Radu, A. Rosca, M.
Pacurar, P.T. Petru, G. Brendea, T. Coconet, F. Pop, K. Sipos, Matematici aplicate in economie,
Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2012, 324pp, ISBN
- A.S.
Muresan, D.A. Filip, P. Curt, R.I. Lung, G. Olteanu, V. Radu, A. Rosca, T. Coconet, F. Pop, K. Sipos, Matematici financiare si actuariale. Teorie si probleme,
Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2013, 315pp, ISBN
Ph.D. Thesis
- G. Olteanu, Wedderburn decomposition of
group algebras. A computational approach with applications
to Schur groups and units,
Ph.D. Thesis with
European Mention, University of Murcia, Spain, 2007. Awarded with
“Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado” in
Mathematics, 2007–2008. pdf