Vol. 25(2024) No. 1



  Search of minimal metric structure in the context of fixed point theorem and corresponding operator equation problems
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Fixed Point Theory, Volume 25, No. 1, 2024, 379-398, February 1st, 2024

DOI: 10.24193/fpt-ro.2024.1.24

Authors: Jayesh Savaliya, Dhananjay Gopal, Shailesh Kumar Srivastava and Vladimir Rakočevič

Abstract: The paper contains a brief summary of the generalization of metrical structure regarding the fixed point theorem and corresponding operator equation problems. We observed that many researcher either tried to weaken the metrical structure, the contraction condition, or both. The idea behind this paper is to look for a minimal metrical structure to establish fixed point theorems. In this connection, we present new variants of the known fixed point theorem under non-triangular metric space (namely F-contraction, (𝒜, 𝒮)-contraction, (ψ, φ)-contraction). We also apply the obtain result in solving various types of operator equation problems. e.g., high-order fractional differential equation with non-local boundary conditions and non-linear integral equation problems.

Key Words and Phrases: Non-triangular metric, F-contraction, (𝒜, 𝒮)-contraction, (ψ, φ)-contraction.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10, 54H25.

Published on-line: February 1st, 2024.

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