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Tables of Contents
Author and Subject Index
Mathematica - Volume 27 (50) (1985)

No. 1

ABIAN, Al.: A practical evaluation of the minimum and maximum moduli of zeros of polynomials
Pages 1-2

ANGELOV, V. G.: On the nonlinear contractions in Fréchet L-spaces
Pages 3-5

ARBOLEDA, L. C.: Rapport sur les lettres et documents des mathématiciens roumains conservés dans le fonds Fréchet de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris
Pages 7-10

BOTH, N.: A synopsis on independence
Pages 11-12

JAKUBOWSKI, Z. J. ; KAMIŃSKI, J.: On some classes of α-convex functions
Pages 13-26

LEHNHOFF, H. G.: On the complete expansion of the measure of approximation for Fejer’s singular integral
Pages 27-31

MARLEWSKI, A. ; WIŚNIEWSKIKI, H.: Degree of Bernstein-Kantorovi´c approximation on squares and triangles
Pages 33-38

RASTOVIĆ, D.: A note on fundamental chain and simulation orbit
Pages 39-41

RUS, A. I.: Separation theorems for the zeros of some real functions
Pages 43-46

TEODORU, G.: Un théorème d’approximation de la solution du problème de Darboux pour l’équation hyperbolique quasi linéaire du second ordre uxy = f(x, y, u, ux, uy)
Pages 47-51

TOADER, Gh. ; TOADER, S.: Generalized finite differences
Pages 53-57

ŢOCA, A.: Generalized O-semigroup mappings (I)
Pages 59-66

VAISH, S. K. ; PRASAD, G.: On the (p, q)-order and (p, q)-type of entire functions
Pages 67-72

VASIU, A.: Hjelmslev-Barbilian structures
Pages 73-77

ZDUN, M. C.: Note on solutions of bounded variation of a linear non-homogeneous functional equation
Pages 79-89

No. 2

COJAN, S. P.: A generalization of the theorem of von Staudt-Hua-Buekenhout
Pages 93-96

COROVEI, I.: The functional equation f(xy) + f(yx) = f(x)f(y) + f(y)f(x) on a semigroup into a ring
Pages 97-99

COROVEI, I. ; PURDEA, I.: Relations between the homomorphisms of semigroups and the homomorphisms of their n-ary extensions
Pages 101-106

DĂIANU, D.: Approximation Schemes. Categorical point of view
Pages 107-116

DEACONESCU, M.: A local characterization of the superfocal subgroup
Pages 117-118

DÉNÉVA, G. St.: Sur l’approximation des fonctions continues par des polynômes à coefficients entiers par rapport à certains de leur zéros, donnés à l’avance
Pages 119-122

HAIMOVICI, A.: On the diffusion of a population dependent on ages and involving resources
Pages 123-140

KOSTOVA, V. At.: Approximation of the function xα with Bernstein polynomials in Hausdorff metric
Pages 141-145

MURĂRESCU, Gh.: Sur les connexions projectives. Lien entre certains points de vue dans leur étude
Pages 147-153

ONCIULESCU, I.: Michal analytical functions of several variables in Banach spaces
Pages 155-162

OWA, S.: A note on a class of functions satisfyng Re f(z)/z>a
Pages 163-165

POPA, V.: On characterizations of feebly continuous functions
Pages 167-170

RZEPECKI, B.: On ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces
Pages 171-179

TEODORU, G.: Un théorème d’approximation de la solution du problème de Darboux pour l’équation hyperbolique quasilinéaire du second ordre uxy = f(x, y, u, ux, uy)
Pages 181-184