Mathematica - Volume 18 (41) (1976)
No. 1
BALCERZYK, S.: On the homology of the join of two categories
Pages 5-6
KONSTANTINOV, M. M. ; BAINOV, D. D.: Existence and uniqueness of the solutions of some integral and integro-differential equations
Pages 7-13
BÖHMER, K. ; COMAN, Gh.: Smooth interpolation schemes in triangles with error bounds
Pages 15-27
BUSTOZ, J. ; GROETSCH, C. W.: Approximation on the infinite interval by a class of positive linear operators
Pages 29-33
CˆIMPIAN, V.: Suites d’ensembles
Pages 35-40
COBZAŞ, S. ; MUNTEAN, I.: Continuous and locally Lipschitz convex functions
Pages 41-51
DATTA, J.: On a transformation of sets of positive measure
Pages 53-58
HOANG, Tr. Du.: Blending interpolation on triangles
Pages 59-77
IONESCU, Gh. D.: Sur les méthodes nomographiques qui caractérisent quelques type de systèmes des équations
Pages 79-83
KOVÁCS, S.: Compilateur FORTRAN conversationnel - la structure du code généré
Pages 85-93
LUPAŞ, L.: Functions of bounded variation of higher order (II)
Pages 95-99
MELTER, R. A.: The number of invertible elements of a matrix ring
Pages 101-102
MUREŞAN, A.: Application of maximum principles to triharmonic functions
Pages 103-109
No. 2
LE COMITÉ DE RÉDACTION: L’académicien Georges Calugareanu
Pages 117-118
CHAUDHRY, N. U. D.: The infinite von Dyck groups D(2,m,n)
Pages 119-124
CHAURASIA, V. B. L.: On generalized Lauricella functions
Pages 125-130
COROVEI, I.: The extensions of the functions satisfying the cosine functional equation
Pages 131-136
DANI, E.: The number of trees of a given length
Pages 137-142
EENIGENBURG, P. ; NELSON, D.: On the order of starlikeness for α-convex functions
Pages 143-146
GHOSH, K. M.: Generalized Contraction and fixed point Theorems
Pages 147-151
KALIK, C.: Interpolating spline elements in Banach spaces
Pages 153-164
KHAN, M. S.: On a fixed point theorem of Iséki
Pages 165-168
MAHESHWARI, S. N. ; PRASAD, R.: On pairwise irresolute functions
Pages 169-172
MARUȘCIAC, I.: An application of restricted approximation theory to an error estimation
Pages 173-176
MERIKOSKI, J.: Some comments on Hölder norms
Pages 177-178
MIRON, R. ; RADÓ, F.: On the definitions of a module and a vector space by independent axioms
Pages 179-186
MIRON, R.: On the almost linear spaces
Pages 187-190
MOTREANU, D.: Preringed manifolds and their relation to differentiable manifolds
Pages 191-194
OANCEA, E. ; RĂDULESCU, M.: L’information associée à un intervalle de confiance
Pages 195-202
PĂUN, Gh.: On the smallest number of nonterminals required to generate a context-free language
Pages 203-208
PUTA, M.: Sur les courants d’une variété différentielle Riemannienne invariants sous l’action d’une groupe de Lie
Pages 209-214
RAŞA, I.: On the continuity of the Hamiltonian
Pages 215-219