Curriculum Vitae
I. Personal data:

a. Name: Andrei MARCUS.
b. Date and place of birth: June 25, 1963; Baia-Mare.
c. Marital status: Married, 1 child.
d. Address: Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
            Str. Mihail Kogalniceanu nr. 1, RO-400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Fax: +40-264-591906
e-mail: marcus at math dot ubbcluj dot ro

II. Academic degrees:

1) (1986) - B.Sc. - Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics
- Title of the diploma work: n-Abelian Semigroups and Groups.    Adviser: Prof. Dr. Ioan Purdea.
2) (1987) - M.Sc. - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics.
- Title of the dissertation: Clifford theory for strongly graded rings.    Adviser: Prof. Dr. Constantin Nastasescu.
3) (1994, February 9) - Ph.D. - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics.
- Title of the thesis: Graded rings and applications to group representation theory.   Adviser: Prof. Dr. Constantin Nastasescu.

III. University education:

1) September 1982 - July 1986
 - "Babes-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Mathematics
2) September 1986 - July 1987 (Graduate courses in Algebra and Geometry)
  - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics
3) October 1990 - January 1994 (Doctorate)
- University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics

IV. Professional background:

1) September 1987 - September 1990
  - teacher of Mathematics - Petru Maior High School Gherla.
2) October 1990 - September 1994
  - teaching assistant - "Babes-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
3) October 1994 - September 1998
 - assistant professor - "Babes-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
4) October 1998 - March 2001
  - associate professor - "Babes-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
5) April 2001 -
  - professor - "Babes-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

V. Membership:
  - Romanian Mathematical Society.
  - American Mathematical Society.
  - Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt für Mathematik, since 1994.

VI. Study and research abroad:

1) September 1992 - December 1992 (3 months)
 - Mathematical Institute of Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen, Hungary.
 - Postgraduate grant financed by the ``Kemény Zsigmond" Foundation, Hungary
2) October 1994 - March 1995 (6 months)
 - Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.
 - Postdoctoral fellowship, Ministry of Research and Technology, France.
3) October 1996 - November 1996 (2 months)
  - Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany.
  - DAAD Postdoctoral grant
4) January 1997 - February 1997 (2 months) and 23 June - 5 July 1997 (NATO ASI Conference)
  - University of Cambridge, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, England
  - Participant at the ``Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Related Finite Groups" research programme.
5) July - August 1999 (2 months)
  - Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy, Budapest
  - ''Domus Hungarica Scientiarum et Artium'' research grant.
6) December 1999 - September 2000 (10 months) and July-August 2001 (3 months)
  - "Friedrich Schiller" University Jena, Germany.
  - Humboldt Research Fellowship
7) March - August 2002 (6 months)
  - University of Chicago, Department of Mathematics
  - Fulbright Research Fellowship
8) August - September 2003 (2 months)
  - University of Chiba, Japan, Department of Mathematics
  - Invitation Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
9) June - July 2004 (2 months)
  - RWTH Aachen, Germany.
  - Humboldt Research Fellowship
10) March 7 - March 18, 2005
  - Universidad de Murcia, Spain.
11) September 2005 - August 2008 (3 years)
  - Renyi Institute, Hungary.
  - Bolyai Fellowship, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
12) September 25 - October 7, 2005; September 18 - 24, 2006
  - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
  - Flemish-Romanian joint reserch programme on Hopf algebras.

VII. Meetings organized
1) (with Markus Linckelmann, CNRS-Paris) Summer School on the Representation Theory of Algebras, Finite and Reductive Groups, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, September 15-25, 1997.
2) Algebra Symposium, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, November 23-24, 2001.
3) Algebra Symposium, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, May 27-28, 2005.
4) International Conference on "Modules and Representation Theory", Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, July 7-12, 2008.
5) Algebra Symposium, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, May 15-16, 2009.
6) Algebra Symposium, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, April 19-20, 2013.
7) The 8th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Algebra and Number Theory Section, June 26 - July 1, 2015, Iasi, Romania.

VIII. Committees
CNATDCU, Comisia de Matematica, 2005-2011.
prorector UBB, Asigurarea Calitatii 2008-2012, Director Studii de Doctorat 2012-2016.

IX. Current and Graduated Students
1) Camelia Dicu, PhD 2008.
2) Constantin Cosmin Todea, PhD 2010.
3) Flaviu Pop, PhD 2012.
4) Tiberiu Coconet, PhD 2012.
5) István Szöllõsi, PhD 2011.
6) Dana-Debora Glitia, PhD 2013.
7) Ábel Lõrinczi
8) Aurelian Minutã


Books and Lecture Notes
1. Ciceo, P., Kolumban, I., Marcus, A. and Vasiu, A. (1986, 1988): Problems in analysis, geometry and algebra for student competitions. "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca. 232pp. (in Romanian).
2. Marcus, A. and Szántó, Cs. (1996): Problems in General Algebra. "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca. 105pp. (in Hungarian).
3. Marcus, A. (1998): Linear Algebra. Studium Cluj. 137pp. (in Hungarian).
4. Marcus, A. and Török, E. (1999): Algebra: Groups. Rings and fields (in Hungarian). Cluj, 1999.
5. Marcus, A. and Tóth, L. (1999): Logic and Set Theory (in Hungarian). Cluj, 1999.
6. Marcus, A. (1999): Representation Theory of Group Graded Algebras. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, Commack N.Y., Hardcover (November 1999) ISBN: 1-56072-750-0, 205 pp.
7. A. Marcus, Szántó Cs. and Tóth, L. (2005): Logic and Set Theory. (in Hungarian) (2nd edition), Scientia, Cluj 2005.
8. A. Marcus (2005): Computational algebra. Aplications to coding theory (in Hungarian). Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca 2005.
9. S. Crivei, A. Marcus, C. Sacarea si Cs. Szanto (2006): Computational Algebra with Applications to Coding Theory and Cryptography, EFES, Cluj-Napoca 2006.
10. A. Marcus (2008): Algebra (in Hungarian), Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca 2008.
11. A. Marcus (2017): Polinoame si ecuatii algebrice, Casa Cãtii de Stiintã, Cluj-Napoca 2017.

Collective volumes
1. M. Linckelmann and A. Marcus (eds.) (1998): Proceedings of the Summer School on Representation Theory of Algebras, Finite and Reductive Groups. Cluj-Napoca, 15-25 Septembrie 1997, "Babes-Bolyai" University Fac. Math. Comput. Sci. Res. Semin. no. 4/1998.
2. S. Crivei and A. Marcus (eds.) (2002): Proceedings of the Algebra Symposium. "Babes-Bolyai" University, November 23-24, 2001, Editura Fundatiei pentru Studii Europene, Cluj-Napoca 2002. ISBN: 973-8254-26-4.
3. S. Breaz, S. Crivei and A. Marcus (eds.) (2009): Proceedings of the international conference on modules and representation theory, Babes,-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 7-12, 2008. Cluj University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-973-610-897-6.

Articles in journals
1. Invariant extensions of simple modules. Studii si cercet ari matematice 43(1991), 37-42.
2. Retract extensions of completely simple semigroups by nil semigroups. Mathematica(Cluj) 34(57)(1992), 37-41.
3. Indecomposable modules and Clifford extensions. Mathematica (Cluj) 35(58) (1993), no. 2, 169-173.
4. Static modules and Clifford theory for strongly graded rings. Publicationes Math. (Debrecen) 42(1993), 303-314.
5. Clifford theory for projective modules over strongly graded rings. Communications in Algebra 23(1995), 4393-4404.
6. Modules graded by G-sets and Clifford theory. Mathematica(Cluj) 37(60)(1995), 133-145.
7. On equivalences between blocks of group algebras: reduction to the simple components, Journal of Algebra 184(1996), 372-396.
8. Tensor products of fully graded algebras and applications. Mathematica(Cluj) 38(61)(1996), 133-139.
9. Group-graded algebras, adjoint functors and the Green correspondence. Studia Univ. "Babes-Bolyai" ser. Mathematica, XLI(1996), 87-94.
10. Green functors associated to a strongly graded algebra. Mathematica (Cluj) 39(62)(1997), 257-263.
11. Equivalences induced by graded bimodules. Communications in Algebra 26(1998), 713-731.
12. Homology of fully graded algebras, Morita and derived equivalences. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 133(1998), no. 1-2, 209-218.
13. On Picard groups and graded rings. Communications in Algebra, 26(1998), 2211-2219.
14. Projective modules over twisted group algebras of p-solvable groups. Publicationes Math. Debrecen, 53(1998), fasc. 3-4, 367-374.
15. Equivariant Morita equivalences between blocks of group algebras. Mathematica (Cluj) 40(63) (1998), no. 2, 227-234.
16. Stable equivalences, crossed products and symmetric algebras. Mathematica (Cluj) 40(63)(1998), no. 1, 123-129.
17. Induction of graded interior algebras. Studia Univ. "Babes-Bolyai" Mathematica, XLIII (1998), 45-56.
18. Derived equivalences and Dade's Invariant Conjecture, Journal of Algebra 221, No.2 (1999), 513-527.
19. Groups of homomorphism graded by G-sets. Italian J. Pure Appl. Mathematics 8 (2000), 115-126 (with Ciprian Modoi).
20. Blocks of normal subgroups and Morita equivalences. Italian J. Pure Appl. Math. 7(2000), 77--84.
21. Clifford theory for bimodules, Communications in Algebra 28 (2000), no. 4, 2029-2041.
22. Frobenius functors and transfer, Publicationes Math. Debrecen, 59(2001), fasc. 3-4, 407-427 (with Adrian Madar).
23. Frobenius functors and functor categories, Studia Univ. "Babes-Bolyai" ser. Mathematica XLV(2000), no. 4, 75-85 (with Adrian Madar).
24. Twisted group algebras, normal subgroups and derived equivalences, Algebras and Representation Theory 4(2001), no. 1, 25-54.
25. Tilting complexes for group graded algebras, Journal of Group Theory 6 (2003), 175-193.
26. Graded endomorphism rings and equivalences, (with Ciprian Modoi), Communications in Algebra 31 (2003), No. 7, 3219-3249.
27. Broué's conjecture for alternating groups, Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (2004), No. 1, 7-14.
28. Blocks with cyclic defect groups, and Clifford extensions, J. Algebra 287 (2005), no. 1, 1-14.
29. Tilting complexes for group graded algebras. II, Osaka J. Math. 42 (2005), no. 2, 453-462.
30. Group graded algebras and the relative projectivity of pointed groups, (with C. Dicu), Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) 57 (2006), No. 3, 309-318.
31. Source modules of blocks with normal defect groups, (with C. Dicu), Archiv der Mathematik 88 no. 4 (2007), 289-296.
32. Morita equivalences induced by bimodules over Hopf-Galois extensions, (with S. Caenepeel, S. Crivei and M. Takeuchi), Journal of Algebra 314, no. 1 (2007), 267-302.
33. Restriction to subgroups and separability, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai ser. Mathematica, 52 (2007), 57-63.
34. Characters and equivalence classes of central simple group graded algebras, Communications in Algebra 36 (2008) no. 4, 1394-1412.
35. Indecomposable modules over group graded skew algebras, Mathematica (Cluj), 50 (73), No.2 (2008), 191-195.
36. Derived invariance of Clifford classes, Journal of Group Theory, 12 (2009), 83-94.
37. Hopf-Galois extensions and an exact sequence for H-Picard groups, (with S. Caenepeel), J. Algebra 323 (2010), No. 3, 622-657.
38. Field extensions and Clifford theory, (with Dana Glitia), Mathematica (Cluj), 55 (78), No. 2 (2013), 186-194.
39. Group graded Hecke interior algebras, (with Tiberiu Coconet), Mathematica, 56 (79), No. 2 (2014), 117-126.
40. Module covers and the Green correspondence, (with Tiberiu Coconet), Journal of Algebra 432 (2015), 62-71.
41. Morita equivalences related to the Glauberman correspondence, (with Dana Glitia), Journal of Algebra 436 (2015), 17-34.
42. Frobenius induction for algebras, (with Tiberiu Coconet & Constantin-Cosmin Todea), Communications in Algebra 45 (2017) no. 4, 1542-1557.
42. Group graded basic Morita equivalences, (with Tiberiu Coconet), Journal of Algebra 489 (2017), 1-24.
43. Remarks on the extended Brauer quotient, (with Tiberiu Coconet), Journal of Algebra 491 (2017), 78-89.
44. Fusions and Clifford extensions, (with Tiberiu Coconet & Constantin-Cosmin Todea), J. Group Theory 22 (2019), 169-190.
45. Tilting complexes for group graded self-injective algebras, (with Shengyong Pan), Tsukuba J. Math. 43 (2019) 211-222.
46. Block extensions, local categories and basic Morita equivalences, Quart. J. Math. 71 (2020), 703-728.
47. Group graded endomorphism algebras and Morita equivalences, (with Aurelian Minuta), Mathematica 62-85 (2020), 73-80.
48. Group graded basic Morita equivalences and the Harrisā€“Knörr correspondences, J. Group Theory 23 (2020), 697-708.
49. Character triples and equivalences over a group graded G-algebra, (with Aurelian Minuta), Journal of Algebra 565 (2021), 98-127.

Published contributions in academic conferences
1. Clifford theory and the Loewy length of induced modules. Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Algebra, "Babes-Bolyai" University Cluj-Napoca, September 18-20, 1991, 55-60.
2. Extensions of indecomposable modules. Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Algebra, "Babes-Bolyai" University Cluj-Napoca, September 18-20, 1991, 61-72.
3. Compounded Clifford correspondences for modules over graded rings. Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Algebra, "Babes-Bolyai" University Cluj-Napoca, September 18-20, 1991, 73-92.
4. Indecomposable modules and Clifford extensions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Group Theory-Timisoara, 17-20 September 1992, 125-131.
5. Graded equivalences and Broué's conjecture. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Representation Theory of Groups, Algebras and Orders, Constanta, September 25 - October 6, 1995, (K.W. Roggenkamp and M. Stefanescu eds.), An. St. Univ. "Ovidius" Constanta vol. IV(1996), fasc. 2, 107-126.
6. Groups, algebras, representations. In: Proceedings of the Summer School on Representation Theory of Algebras, Finite and Reductive Groups, Cluj-Napoca, 15-25 September 1997, M. Linckelmann and A. Marcus eds., "Babes-Bolyai" University (1998), pp. 1-32.
7. Recent results on Broué's abelian defect group conjecture. In: Proceedings of the Algebra Symposium, Cluj-Napoca, 23-24 November 2001, S. Crivei and A. Marcus eds., EFES Cluj-Napoca 2002.
8. A survey on Broue's abelian defect group conjecture. In: Proceedings of the 48th Algebra Symposium, Nagoya University, August 4-7, 2003, pp. 146-155.
9. Equivalences between blocks of alternating groups. In: Cohomology Theory of Finite Groups and Related Topics, Kyoto, September 2003, RIMS Kokyuroku vol. 1357 (2004), 63-68.
10. Constructions of group graded tilting complexes, in: S. Breaz and C. Sacarea eds. Proceedings of the Algebra Symposium, "Babes-Bolyai" University Cluj-Napoca, May 27-28, 2005. EFES, Cluj-Napoca 2006; pp. 61-75.
11. Hopf-Galois extensions and H-Morita contexts, in S. Caenepeel and F. Van Oystaeyen (eds.). New techniques in Hopf algebras and graded ring theory, September 19-23, 2006. Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, Brussels, 2007; pp. 127-140.

Talks given at conferences and research seminars

· International Conference on Algebraic Geometry Commutative Algebra and Ring Theory, Bucharest, 3-8 July 1989.
· National Conference on Algebra, Cluj-Napoca, 18-20 September 1991.
· National Conference on Algebra, Timisoara, 21-23 September 1992.
· International Conference on Group theory, Timisoara, 17-20 September 1992.
· International Conference on Representation theory of Groups, Algebras and Orders, Constanta, 25 September - 6 October 1995.
· Ring Theory Conference, Miskolc, Hungary, July 21-27, 1996.
· Summer School on Representation Theory of Algebras, finite and reductive groups, Cluj-Napoca, September 15-25, 1997 (a course of 7 lectures).
· Summer School and Workshop on Module Varieties and Cohomology varieties of Finite Groups and Lie Algebras, Willebadessen, Germany, October 5-12, 1997.
· The 2nd Annual Conference of the Romanian Mathematical Society, Cluj-Napoca, May 1998.
· International Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin, August 18-27, 1998, Poster.
· Summer School and Workshop on Springer Correspondence and applications, Picquigny (Picardie), France, September 21-27, 1998.
· International Conference on Algebra,Iasi, October 14-17, 1998.
·Norddeutsches Gruppentheoretische Colloquium, Rostock, June 30 - July 1, 2000.
·3rd European Congress of Mathematicians, Barcelona, July 10-14, 2000, Poster.
·DMV 2000, Dresden, September 17-22, 2000.
·Meeting on Representations of Finite Groups, Oberwolfach, March 25-31, 2001.
·5th Budapest-Chemnitz-Prague-Torun Algebra Symposium, Budapest, June 14-16, 2001.
·Colloque `Catégories dérivées et groupes finis', Luminy (Marseille), October 22-26, 2001.
·2002 AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference on Groups, Representations and Cohomology, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusets, USA, June 7-13, 2002.
·The 48th Algebra Symposium, Nagoya University, August 4-7, 2003.
·Conference on Cohomology Theory of Finite Groups, RIMS, Kyoto University, September 1-5, 2003.
·Workshop: New techniques in Hopf algebras and graded ring theory Vrije Universiteit Brussel, September 28, 2005.
·Bovdi Conference, University of Debrecen, November 18-22, 2005.
·ICM 2006, Madrid, August 21-30, 2006.
·Noncommutative Algebra, Granada September 1-6, 2006.
·International Conference "New Techniques in Hopf Algebras", Brussels, September 19-23, 2006
·International Conference on Representations of Algebras ICRA XII, Torun, August 20-24, 2007.
·International Conference on Theory and Applications in Mathematics and Informatics, ICTAMI 5, Alba-Iulia, August 30 - September 2, 2007.
·International Conference: Involutions in Modular Representation Theory, Maynooth, Ireland, August 18 - 24, 2008.
·International Conference on Representations of Algebras ICRA XV, Bielefeld, August 13-17, 2012.
·International Conference in Honor of T.Albu's and C.Nastasescu's 70th Birthday, University of Bucharest, May 18-19, 2013.
·Aniversary Conference - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Science 150 years, Bucharest, August 29-September 1, 2013.
·Conference on Brauer groups, Hopf algebras and monoidal categories-Stef Fest, University of Turin, Italy, May 24-27, 2016.
·Workshop on Morita equivalence problems for blocks of finite groups, Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, September 5-9, 2016.

Invited lectures
- "Clifford correspondence for indecomposable modules", Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy, Seminar of Algebra, November 1992 and September 1993.
- University of Miskolc, Hungary, Seminar of Algebra, December 1992
- "Modules Graded by G-sets", Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy, Seminar of Algebra, September 1993.
- "Strongly Graded Rings", Mathematical Institute of the "Kossuth Lajos" University Debrecen, September 1993.
- "A Clifford Theory for Tilting Complexes", Séminaire Chevalley, Inst. Poincaré, Paris, February 1995.
- "Graded Equivalences and their Invariants", Mathematical Institute of the "Friedrich Schiller" University Jena, Germany, Seminar of Algebra, October 1996
- "Broué's Conjecture and normal subgroups", Stuttgart University, Mathematical Institute B, 5 November 1996.
- "Equivalences for group-graded algebras", Seminar Darstellungstheorie von Algebren/Quantengruppen, Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Mathematik, October 15, 1997.
- "Graded Rickard Equivalences and Dade's conjectures", Mathematical Institute of the "Friedrich Schiller" University Jena, Germany, Seminar of Algebra, January 4, 2000.
- "Twisted group algebras, derived equivalences and normal subgroups", Séminaire Chevalley, Inst. Henri Poincaré, Paris, March 16, 2000.
- "Block theory and graded equivalences", Univ. "Girard Desargues" Lyon 1, France, March 23, 2000.
- "Derived equivalences and Dade's conjectures", Universität Magdeburg, Mathematisches Institut, April 26, 2000.
- "Open problems in modular representation theory", University of Szeged, Hungary, Seminar of Algebra, June 10, 2001.
- "Rickard equivalences and Dade's conjectures", The University of Chicago, Group Theory Seminar, April 25, 2002.
- Rényi Institute Budapest, Hungary, National Seminar of Algebra, November 8, 2004.
- Technical University Budapest, Hungary, Seminar of Algebra, November 10, 2004.
- University of Murcia, Spain, Seminar of Algebra, March 15, 2005.
- Rényi Institute Budapest, Hungary, Seminar of Algebra, February 8, 2006.
- Rényi Institute Budapest, Hungary, National Seminar of Algebra, February 12, 2007.
- Charles University Prague, Seminar of Algebra, April 23, 2007.
- Charles University Prague, Seminar of Algebra, April 25, 2007.
- Rényi Institute Budapest, Hungary, Seminar of Algebra, September 17, 2007.
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Seminar of Algebra, October 19, 2007.
- Leibniz Universität Hannover, Seminar of Algebra, November 13, 2007.
- Beijing Normal University, September 14-27, 2008. 3 talks given at the research seminar of Representation Theory: Equivalences of categories in modular representation theory, Morita equivalences induced by bimodules over Hopf-Galois extensions, Characters and equivalence classes of central simple group graded algebras.
- Rényi Institute Budapest, Hungary, Seminar of Algebra, October 6, 2008.
- Oxford University, Mathematical Institute, Algebra Seminar, April 27, 2010.
- London Algebra Colloquium, held at Imperial College London, April 29, 2010.
- The University of Manchester, Algebra Seminar, May 4, 2010.
- University of Aberdeen, Algebra Seminar, May 6, 2010.
- Rényi Institute Budapest, Hungary, Seminar of Algebra, November 18, 2013.
- Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary, Seminar of Algebra, November 18, 2013.
- Rényi Institute Budapest, Hungary, Seminar of Algebra, November 10, 2014.
- University of Pécs, Hungary, Seminar of Algebra, April 21, 2015.
- Pécs branch of the Hungarian Academy, April 22, 2015.
- University of Verona, Italy, Seminari Moduli ALGebre e Anelli, May 31, 2016.