Grigore (Bobby) Călugăreanu, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics




1. Personal Data

2. Education

3. Didactical Activity

4. Scientific Activity

5. Visits Abroad

6. Promo

7. Hobbies

8. Promotia 1969

9. Aniversari 60

10. Papers of my father

1. Personal Data

Born January 20, 1947 in Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA

1969, first marriage (Irina-Mariana Cavaleru) in Cluj-Napoca

March 3, 1972 birth of my son Alexandru-Manole in Cluj-Napoca

1977, second marriage (Daniela Costin) in Cluj-Napoca

August 19, 1981 birth of my daughter Oltea-Ilinca in Cluj-Napoca

June 25, 1985 birth of my daughter Mara-Adina in Cluj-Napoca

May 28, 1998 birth of my grand-son Vlad Mihai in Cluj-Napoca

March 9, 2003 birth of my grand-son Paul Bogdan in Cluj-Napoca

- Dana

- Ilinca

- Mara

- Manole

- Vlad

- Paul

- Finn

- My favorite


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2. Education

1953-1957 Primary School
1957-1964 "Gheorghe Bariţiu" Secondary-High-School
1964-1969 B.Sc., Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA (adviser: Prof. Gheorghe Pic) [Embedding Theorems in Categories]
1977          Ph.D. in Theory of Categories, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest (advisers: Prof. Ionel Bucur, Prof. Alexandru Solianu) [Contributions to the theory of enriched modules and to the problem of endomorphisms]

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3. Didactical Activity

1998, February 

  2012, January


Department of Algebra

"Babeş-Bolyai" University

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

1990, March

1998, February 

Associate Professor

1978, March

1990, March


1970, September

1978, March


1969, September

1970, September

Probation Assistant

  • 2001- Ph D Conductor Mathematics Genealogy Project
  • 2001-2009, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Kuwait University, State of Kuwait

    End of Academic Year Party 2009 Speach

  • 2012 Professor Emeritus Babes-Bolyai University, Department of Mathematics, Cluj-Napoca, RO
  • Who's Who

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    4. Scientific Activity









    Grigore Calugareanu on ResearchGate

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    5. Visits Abroad

      1. 1993 COST - Research with Prof. Bernard Charles, Université Technique du Languedoc, Montpellier 2
      2. 1995 TEMPUS - Teaching Algebra in University - Universita degli Studi din Padova
      3. 1997 NATO-CNR - Research with Prof. Adalberto Orsatti, Universita degli Studi di Padova
      4. 1999 FULBRIGHT - Research with Prof. Laszlo Fuchs, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA

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    6. Promo

      1. 2013-2015 Chuck Norris vs Communism
      1. 2012-2023 Vernon Films
      1. 2024- Seaweed Pictures

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    7. Hobbies

      1. Bridge - Rezultate 1974 - 2001

    - Rezultate 2009 -

    - Rezumat Borel-Cheron

      1. Music - Compania de Sunet

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    8. Promotia 1969

      1. Site-ul colegului Gyuri Szasz poze incepind cu 1964 si pina azi

    - Nou!

      1. Introducere

    - Introducere Nou!

      1. Intilnire 42+

    - Intilniri42-43-44

      1. Intilnire 43

    - Intilnire43

      1. Intilnire 44

    - Intilnire44

    - Intilnire44

    POZE 44

      1. Intilnire 45

    - Intilnire45 Poze

    - Intilnire45-Poza participanti

    - Profesorii

    - Catalog+Telefoane+Adrese

      1. Intalnire 46

    - Invitatia

    - Intilnire46 Poze

    - Catalog+Telefoane+Adrese

      1. Intalnire 47

    - Invitatia

    - Intilnire47 Poze

    - Catalog+Telefoane+Adrese

      1. Intalnire 48

    - Invitatia

    - Intilnire48 Poze

    - Profesorii

    - Catalog+Telefoane+Adrese

      1. Intalnire 49

    - Invitatia

    - Intilnire49 Poze

    - Profesorii

    - Catalog+Telefoane+Adrese

      1. Intalnire 50 Nou !

    - Invitatia

    - Catalog+Telefoane+Adrese

      1. Poze

    - 1964-1969

    - 1979

    - 1989

    - 1999

    - 2005

    - 2009

    - 2010

    - 2011

    - 2012

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    9. Aniversare 60

    1. Cateva cuvinte la aniversarea de 60 de ani

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    10. Cercetarea 1966 - 2022

    1. Cum am stat cu cercetarea

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    11. Papers of my father

    1. L'integrale de Gauss et l'analyse des noeuds tridimensionnels , Revue de math. pures et appl., IV (1959), 5 - 20 [222 citations]

    2. O teorema asupra inlantuirilor tridimensionale de curbe inchise (Romanian), English translation 2010 (A theorem on tridimensional linkage of closed curves) Com. Acad. RPR 11, II (1961), 829 - 832.

    3. Sur les classes d'isotopie des noeuds tridimensionnels et leurs invariants, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 11 (1961), No. 4, 588 - 625 [306 citations]

    About Călugăreanu invariant

    1. Helicity and Călugăreanu invariant , Henry Keith Moffatt and Renzo L. Ricca, Proc.Royal Soc. London A (1992), Volume 439, Issue 1906 [491 Google Scholar citations]

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