Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii (UEFISCDI)
Project Registration Code: PN-II-RU-TE-3-0013
Project duration: 36 months
Contract Number: 44/05-10-2011

Transport Phenomena in Nanofluids and Nanofluids Saturated Porous Media

General fluids used in industrial processes involving heat transfer (energy generation, insulation, cooling of microelectronic components) are water, mineral oil and ethylene glycol. Physical properties of these fluids limit the efficiency of heat transport and large amount of cooling fluid is necessary. Because of the increasing necessity of modern technologies, including chemical processes, microelectronics, biotechnology, it is very important to obtain new type of fluids, having improved heat transfer characteristics. In order to enhance the thermal characteristics of the fluids one can form mixtures by adding ultra fine solid particles to the fluid. It was found that particles in the order of millimeter or even micrometers added in fluids may cause some severe inconvenient such as clogging of flow channels, erosion of pipelines, an increase in pressure drop, and sedimentation problems. The use of particles of nanometer dimension leads to mixtures with highly improved thermal characteristics and without the severe problems shown before. Nanofluids are new types of fluids containing small fractions of nanoparticles, usually smaller than 100nm, which are uniformly and stable suspended in a liquid. for heat transfer intensification, in industrial sectors including power generation, thermal therapy for cancer treatment, chemical sectors, ventilation.The objective of this project is to model fluid flow and heat transfer in nanofluids and nanofluid saturated porous media.