Vol. 7(2006) No.2


Open access

  Fixed Point Theory, Volume 7, No. 2, 2006, 167-363
Volumes Selection
Professor Ioan A. Rus on his 70th birthday: a complete scientist, an accomplished mathematician

V. Berinde and A. Petruşel

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


Lefschetz fixed point theorems for compact morphisms

Ravi P. Agarwal and Donal O’Regan

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


Note on topological degree for monotone-type multivalued maps

J. Andres and L. Górniewicz

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


Lossy transmission lines terminated by nonlinear r-loads - periodic regimes

V. G. Angelov

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


Existence results for integral equations: spectral methods vs. fixed point theory

J. Appell and A. S. Kalitvin

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


A fixed point proof of the convergence of a Newton-type method

Vasile Berinde and Mădălina Păcurar

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


On some approximation methods in the theory of operator inclusions

Boris D. Gel’man, Valeri Obukhovskii and Hisham R. Al-Hashemi

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


Shadowing in parameterized IFS

Vasile Glăvan and Valeriu Guţu

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


A Krasnoselskii type fixed-point theorem on convex cones

G. Isac

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


Fixed point theorems for occasionally weakly compatible mappings

G. Jungck and B. E. Rhoades

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


On an existence result of Leray for nonlinear integral equations

Jean Mawhin

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


Aronszajn type theorems for integral equations on unbounded domains via maximal solutions

Donal O’Regan and Radu Precup

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


Sehgal contractions on Menger spaces

Viorel Radu

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


Three examples in metric fixed point theory

Simeon Reich and Alexander J. Zaslavski

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


A class of non-contractive operators with a unique fixed point

Biagio Ricceri and Constantin Zălinescu

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


Function pseudometric variants of the Caristi-Kirk theorem

Mihai Turinici

Abstract pdf          Fulltext pdf


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