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Open access |
Seminar on Fixed Point Theory
Cluj-Napoca, Volume 3,
2002, 3-392 |
Proceedings of the International Conference on
Nonlinear Operators, Differential Equations and Applications |
September 2001, Cluj-Napoca, Romania |

A. Plenary Lectures |
Plane orbits for Synge's electromagnetic two
body problem (I)
Vasil G. Angelov
Fulltext pdf |
Feedback stabilization of Navier-Stokes equations
Viorel Barbu
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Fixed points, differential equations, and proper
T.A. Burton
Fulltext pdf |
Neutral functional equations in discrete time
Constantin Corduneanu and Mehran Mahdavi
Fulltext pdf |
Variational inequalities, complementarity
problems and pseudo-monotonicity. Dynamical aspects
George Isac, Monica G. Cojocaru
Fulltext pdf |
On a theorem of Rolewicz type for linear
skew-product semiflows
M. Megan, A.L. Sasu and B. Sasu
Fulltext pdf |
Ideas and methods in fixed point theory for
probabilistic contractions
Viorel Radu
Fulltext pdf |
Some research perspectives in nonlinear
functional analysis
Biagio Ricceri
Fulltext pdf |
On nonlinear parabolic functional differential
equations in unbounded domains
Lászlo Simon
Fulltext pdf |
B. Invited Section Lectures |
A generalization of Miranda's theorem
Cezar Avramescu
Fulltext pdf |
Fixed point theorems in ordered sets and
Antal Bege
Fulltext pdf |
Monotone iterations for the initial value problem
Adriana Buică
Fulltext pdf |
A relaxed Cimmino type method for computing
almost common fixed points of totally nonexpansive families of operators
Dan Butnariu and Israela Markowitz
Fulltext pdf |
Compactness theorems for quasi-autonomous
evolution problems
J.-F. Couchouron
Fulltext pdf |
Fixed point theorems for operators on cartesian
product spaces and applications
Marcel-Adrian Şerban
Fulltext pdf |
On Sinc methods for partial differential equations
Damian Trif
Fulltext pdf |
C. Section Lectures, Short Communications and Poster |
Gronwall type inequalities via subconvex sequences
Szilárd András
Fulltext pdf |
On oscillation of solutions of a loss less transmission line model
Dafinca Tz. Angelova
Fulltext pdf |
Pairs of classes of topological spaces with fixed point property
Mircea Balaj
Fulltext pdf |
Applications of an equivalence relation at the determination of some relations between capacities and of theirs values
Alina Bărbulescu
Fulltext pdf |
Iterative approximation of fixed points for pseudo-contractive operators
Vasile Berinde
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Multiple solutions for Neumann problem with p-Laplacian
Jenică Crînganu
Fulltext pdf |
On the significance of integral properties of orbits in some superlinear fixed-period problems
C.I. Gheorghiu and A. Mureşan
Fulltext pdf |
A combined method for differential equations
Gavrilă Goldner and Radu T. Trîmbiţaş
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Equations de Hamilton-Jacobi et contrôle optimal
Radu Ignat
Fulltext pdf |
On some Gronwall-Bihari-Wendorff-type inequalities
Nicolaie Lungu
Fulltext pdf |
Results on quasistatic antiplane contact problems with slip dependent friction
A. Matei and V.V. Motreanu
Fulltext pdf |
On the numerical approach of Korteweg - de Vries - Burger equations by spline finite element and collocation methods
G. Micula and Maria Micula
Fulltext pdf |
Some results concerning the multivalued optimization and their applications
Aurel Muntean
Fulltext pdf |
A new model of price fluctuation for a single commodity market
A.S. Mureşan and C. Iancu
Fulltext pdf |
Controllability of certain differential equations and inclusions
Marian Mureşan
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On some functional-integral equations with linear modification of the argument
Viorica Mureşan
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Fixed point theory with applications to dynamical systems and fractals
Adrian Petruşel
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A generalization of Jensen equation for set-valued
Dorian Popa
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On some differential inequalities
Dorian Popa and Nicolaie Lungu
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Fixed point theorems for acyclic multivalued maps and inclusions of Hammerstein type
Radu Precup
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Functional-differential equations of mixed type, via weakly Picard operators
Ioan A. Rus
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Bifurcation results with monotone nonlinearities
Silviu Sburlan
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Non trivial C*-algebras generated by idempotents
Mikhail Shchukin
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Integral inclusions of Fredholm type relative to multivalued
Alina Sîntămărian
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Brownian motion and fractal processes using contraction method in probabilistic metric spaces
Anna Soós
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Functional-differential equations that appear in price theory
Alexandrina-Alina Tarţa
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The Goursat-Ionescu problem for hyperbolic inclusions with modified argument
Georgeta Teodoru
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Weeler-Feyman problem on a compact interval
Veronica-Ana Dârzu
Fulltext pdf |