Babeş-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca
Departamentul de
Programul seminarului de operatori neliniari şi
ecuaţii diferenţiale
Program of the Seminar on Nonlinear
Operators and Differential Equations
o Joi 27 februarie
2025 ora 10:30
Prof. dr. Adrian
Petruşel, Prof. dr. Radu Precup (coordonatori)
Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Prof. dr. Gheorghe
Moroşanu, Prof. dr. Ştefan Cobzaş, Prof. dr. Anton Mureşan, Prof. dr. Viorica Mureşan,
Prof. dr. Nicolaie Lungu, Prof. dr. Sanda Micula, Prof. dr. Cristian Chifu,
Conf. dr. habil. Adriana Buicǎ, Conf. dr. Adriana Nicolae, Conf. dr.
Costicǎ Mustǎţa, Conf. dr. Marcel-Adrian Şerban, Conf. dr.
Andras Szilard, Conf. dr. Mǎdǎlina Pǎcurar, Conf. dr. Gabriela
Petruşel, Lect. dr. Veronica Ilea, Lect. dr. Monica Bota, Lect. dr. Adrian
Viorel, Lect. dr. Darius Filip, Lect. dr. Diana Otrocol, Asist. dr. Parajdi
Lorand, Dr. Andrei Stan, Dr. Alexandru Orzan, Drd. Radu
Trușcă, Drd. Mădălina Moga, Drd. Alexandru Hofman, Drd.
David Brumar, Drd. Cristina Gheorghe.
In the academic year 2024/2025 the meetings
are held in e room, 23-25 Ploiești street, and online on MS
Teams, each Thursday at 10:30.
trecute / Past seminars
2024 - 2025
o Joi 12 decembrie 2024: Asist. dr. Lorand Parajdi: On the existence and absence of Hopf bifurcation in some chemical reaction networks derived from a distributive phosphorylation-dephosphorylation network
o Joi 5 decembrie 2024: Prof. dr. Vasile Berinde: On the role of b-metric in the fixed point theory, combinatorial optimization, celestial mechanics and astronomy
o Joi 28 noiembrie 2024: Conf. dr. Marcel-Adrian Serban: Around fibre contraction principle
o Joi 21 noiembrie 2024: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: On equilibrium in control problems with applications to evolution systems
o Joi 14 noiembrie 2024: Prof. dr. Emilian Parau (University of East Anglia): Hydroelastic waves and other waves-iced interactions
o Joi 7 noiembrie 2024: Prof. dr. Gheorghe Morosanu: Second-order differential inclusions with two parameters
o Joi 31 octombrie 2024: Drd. David Brumar: Existence of solutions to a Kirchhoff-type parabolic equation
o Joi 31 octombrie 2024: Drd. Cristina Gheorghe: Nonlinear contributions to modeling oceanic waves
o Joi 24 octombrie 2024: Dr. Andrei Stan (Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis): Role of partial functionals in the study of variational systems
o Joi 17 octombrie 2024: Dr. Ionut Farcas (University of Texas at Austin): Context-aware learning of low-fidelity models for multi-fidelity uncertainty quantification
o Joi 10 octombrie 2024: Participarea la manifestări științifice ale membrilor seminarului
o Joi 3 octombrie 2024: Prof. Dr. Ioan A. Rus: Fixed point theory of selfmappings on a complete metric space
o Joi 12 septembrie 2024: Dr. A. K. B. Chand (IIT Madras, Chennai – India): Cyclic iterated function systems
2023 - 2024
o Marti 9 iulie 2024: Dr. Rajendra Pant (University of Johannesburg): Approximating fixed points of nonexpansive type mappings using stationary and nonstationary iterative methods in Banach spaces
o Joi 6 iunie 2024: Drd. Alexandru Hofman: Control problems for Kolmogorov type second order equations and systems
o Joi 16 mai 2024: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: An heuristic point of view on the Theorem of equivalent statements: notions, fixed point results, successive approximations and problems
o Joi 25 aprilie 2024: Dr. Roland Quirchmayr (UBB): Some mathematical aspects of geophysical flows
o Joi 18 aprilie 2024: Lect. Dr. Mihai Nechita: Elliptic PDEs and finite elements. An introduction about well-posed and ill-posed problems (second part)
o Joi 11 aprilie 2024: Lect. Dr. Mihai Nechita: Elliptic PDEs and finite elements. An introduction about well-posed and ill-posed problems (first part)
o Joi 4 aprilie 2024: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: Control theory – fixed point theory
o Joi 28 martie 2024: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel: Fixed point theory for multi-valued operators via admissible perturbation approach
o Joi 21 martie 2024: Prof. dr. Petru Jebelean (Timisoara): Dirichlet systems with relativistic operator: differences vs differential
o Joi 14 martie 2024: Prof. Dr. Adrian Petrușel: A fixed point theorem with applications in best proximity point theory
o Joi 14 martie 2024: Prof. Dr. Constantin P. Niculescu (Universitatea din Craiova): Functional inequalities in the framework of Banach spaces.II
o Joi 7 martie 2024: Prof. Dr. Constantin P. Niculescu (Universitatea din Craiova): Functional inequalities in the framework of Banach spaces.I
o Joi 29 februarie 2024: Drd. Alexandru Orzan: Contributions to the study of convex-type functions and fractional optimization (PhD thesis)
o Joi 18 ianuarie 2024: Conf. dr. Adriana Buică: Isochronous Hill equations
o Joi 11 ianuarie 2024: Drd. Andrei Stan: Nonlinear Systems and Nash Type Equilibrium (PhD thesis)
o Joi 14 decembrie 2023: Conf. dr. Marcel-Adrian Serban: Some research directions in fibre contraction theory and its applications
o Joi 7 decembrie 2023: Drd. Radu Trusca: On some fixed point results for multi-valued nonlinear graphical contractions. Conf. dr. Cristian Vladimirescu (Universitatea din Craiova): Stability for a nonlinear second order ODE
o Joi 23 noiembrie 2023: Dr. Calin Martin (Viena) si Drd. Cristina Gheorghe: Nonlinear Studies of Stratified Flows
o Joi 16 noiembrie 2023: Prof. dr. Alexandru Minea (Universitatea Auvergne din Clermont-Ferrand, Franta): Reguli bugetare
o Joi 2 noiembrie 2023: Lect. Dr. Darius Filip: Metric conditions, graphic contractions and weakly Picard operators
o Joi 26 octombrie 2023: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Weakly Picard mappings: retraction-displacement condition and weakly Picard admissible perturbation
o Joi 19 octombrie 2023: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: Positive radial solutions for Dirichlet problems in the ball
o Joi 12 octombrie 2023: Drd. David Brumar: A fixed point approach to the semi-linear Stokes problem
o Joi 5 octombrie 2023: Prof. dr. Sorin Micu (Universitatea din Craiova): Time optimal control for infinite dimensional systems
2022 - 2023
o Joi 8 iunie 2023: Drd. Andrei Stan: Linking methods for componentwise variational systems
o Joi 8 iunie 2023: Drd. Alexandru Hofman: Vector fixed point approach to control the Kolmogorov differential systems
o Joi 25 mai 2023: Dr. Luca Vilasi (University of Messina, Italy): Existence and regularity of solutions for a fractional Neumann problem (online)
o Joi 18 mai 2023: PhD student Sani Salisu (Bangkok, Thailand): Geodesic convexity in fixed point theory
o Joi 11 mai 2023: Prof. dr. Ștefan Cobzaș, On some Lipschitz-type functions
o Joi 4 mai 2023: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: Localization of the enstrophy and kinetic energy in Navier-Stokes models with reaction terms
o Joi 27 aprilie 2023: Drd. Alexandru Orzan: Componentwise Dinkelbach algorithm for nonlinear fractional optimization problems
o Joi 6 aprilie 2023: Prof. dr. Vasile Berinde: From Banach contractions and beyond: a biased partial cross-sectional survey
o Joi 30 martie 2023: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Equations in spaces of mappings, successive approximations techniques
o Joi 23 martie 2023: Prof. dr. Maria Neuss-Radu (Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuernberg): Derivation and analysis of a system modeling the chemotactic movement of hematopoietic stem cells
Joi 16 martie 2023: Conf. dr. Mădălina
Păcurar: Synchronous r-cyclic contractions
Joi 9 martie 2023: Prof. dr. Radu Precup:
Existence results for some functional integrodifferential equations with
state-dependent delay
Joi 2 martie 2023: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel:
Fixed points and multivalued operators after 40 years
Joi 19 ianuarie 2023: Conf. dr. Cristian
Vladimirescu (Universitatea din Craiova): Properties of solutions of a
mechanical system through a variant of Krasnoselskii theorem. Dedicated to
Prof. Adrian Petrușel on the occasion of his 60th anniversary
Joi 12 ianuarie 2023: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus:
Around metric coincidence point theory. Dedicated to Prof. Adrian Petrușel
on the occasion of his 60th anniversary
Joi 15 decembrie 2022: Drd. Alexandru Orzan:
Dinkelbach type approximation algorithms for nonlinear fractional optimization
Joi 8 decembrie 2022: Prof. dr. Vasile Berinde:
Using the saturation of two classes of nonexpansive type mappings to get
unifying convergence results
Joi 17 noiembrie 2022: Dr. Nataliia Kolun: Energy-based
localization of positive solutions for stationary Kirchhoff type equations and
Joi 3 noiembrie 2022: Prof. Dr. Radu Ignat
(Toulouse, Franța): Vortex sheet solutions for the Ginzburg-Landau system
in cylinders: symmetry and global minimality
27 octombrie 2022: Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Moroșanu: Ecuații diferențiale
de ordinul doi cu parametri mici
Joi 20 octombrie 2022: Prof. Dr. Adrian Petrușel:
A fixed point result for decreasing operators in Hilbert spaces
octombrie 2022: Prezentarea conferințelor la care membrii seminarului au
participat pe perioada verii
Joi 8 septembrie 2022: Prof. dr. Vasile Berinde,
Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel: Remarks on the
terminology of the mappings in fixed point iterative methods
2021 - 2022
Joi 9 iunie 2022: Asist. dr. Lorand Parajdi: Two
numerical methods for solving a nonlinear system of integral equations of mixed
Volterra-Fredholm type arising from a control problem related to leukemia
Joi 2 iunie 2022: Drd. Andrei Stan: Metode de
analiză a sistemelor neliniare
Joi 2
iunie 2022: Drd. Alexandru Hofman: Probleme de control pentru sisteme de tip
Joi 26 mai 2022: Nataliia Kolun (Odessa,
Ucraina): Asymptotic behavior of solutions of differential equations with
nonlinearities of different types
Joi 12 mai 2022: Constantin P. Niculescu: On a
class of nonlinear operators arising in approximation theory
Joi 5 mai 2022: Michal Belzinski (Lodz,
Polonia): Hybrid existence theorems for a system of coupled nonlinear equations
Joi 14 aprilie 2022: Conf. Dr. Cristian Cazacu (București):
Sharp Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg type inequalities
Joi 7 aprilie 2022: Conf. dr. Mădălina
Păcurar: Fixed point theory for cyclic operators
Joi 31 martie 2022: Drd. Andrei Stan: Kirchhoff
type equations and systems of equations
Joi 24 martie 2022: Prof. dr. Marek Galewski
(Lodz, Polonia): Nonlinear abstract equations involving monotone operators and
some applications
Joi 17 martie 2022: Conf. dr. Marcel-Adrian Șerban:
Applications of fiber contraction principle to some classes of functional
integral equations
Joi 10 martie 2022: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel:
On a theorem of Miron Nicolescu
Joi 3 martie 2022: Drd. Radu Trușcă:
Applications of some local fixed point theorems
Joi 3 martie 2022: Drd. Mădălina Moga:
Large contractions and surjectivity in Banach spaces
Joi 24 februarie 2022: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: On
some applications of the controllability principle for fixed point equations
Joi 13 ianuarie 2022: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus:
Sets with structure, mappings and fixed point property: fixed point structure.
Joi 16 decembrie 2021: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus:
Sets with structure, mappings and fixed point property: fixed point structure.
Joi 9 decembrie 2021: Casian Pantea (West
Virginia University, USA): Global asymptotic stability of complex-balanced
mass-action systems
Joi 25 noiembrie 2021: Conf. dr. Adriana
Nicolae: Uniform approximation by geodesics and related concepts
Joi 18 noiembrie 2021: Lect. dr. Veronica Ilea:
Functional differential equations via step by step contraction principle
Joi 11 noiembrie 2021: Dr. Jorge Rodriguez Lopez
(Universitatea din Santiago de Compostela, Spania): Fixed point theory for
decomposable maps and applications
Joi 4
noiembrie 2021: Conf. dr. Adriana Buică: Persistența și
continuarea soluțiilor periodice in sisteme periodice bi-dimensionale
Joi 28 octombrie 2021: Lect. dr. Darius Filip:
Fixed point theorems for nonself operators on a large Kasahara space
Joi 21 octombrie 2021: Dr. Călin Martin
(Universitatea din Viena): On the nonlinear three-dimensional water wave
equations with (constant) vorticity
Joi 14 octombrie 2021: Prof. dr. Gheorghe Moroșanu:
First and second order delay differential equations in Banach spaces
Joi 7 octombrie 2021: Lect. dr. Monica Bota: New
fixed point theorems on b-metric spaces with applications to coupled fixed
point theory
Joi 2 septembrie 2021: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus:
Oportunități oferite de instituțiile școlare din Romania in
perioada 1949-1967
2020 - 2021
Joi 3 iunie 2021: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel
și Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Fixed point equations with abstract Volterra
operators on spaces of functions of several variables
Joi 20 mai 2021: Conf. dr. Cristian Vladimirescu
(Universitatea din Craiova): On coupled nonlinear oscillators of a mechanical
system of vibration reduction
Joi 13 mai 2021: Prof. dr. Petru Jebelean
(Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara): Soluţii
periodice geometric distincte pentru operatorul relativist
Joi 22 aprilie 2021: Conf. dr. Adriana Nicolae:
Geometry of alternating nonconvex projections
Joi15 aprilie 2021: Conf. dr. Marcel-Adrian Șerban:
Some variants of fibre contraction principle
Joi 8 aprilie 2021: Lect. dr. Adrian Viorel:
Geometric numerical integrators
Joi 1 aprilie 2021: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: On
the controllability of some systems modeling cell dynamics related to leukemia
Joi 25 martie 2021: Gabriela
Marinoschi (Membru corespondent al Academiei Romane,
Institutul de Statistică Matematică și Matematică
Aplicată "Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob", București): Estimarea
unor parametri intr-un model matematic pentru transmisia virusului SARS-CoV-2
Joi 18 martie 2021: Drd. Radu Trușcă: Local fixed point theorems and open mapping principles for generalized contractions
Joi 18 martie 2021: Drd.
Mădălina Moga: Meir-Keeler operators and applications to surjectivity theorems
11 martie 2021: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel: Asupra
unor rezultate de stabilitate in teoria punctului fix pentru operatori
Joi 4 martie 2021: Conf. dr. Adriana Buică:
Ulam-Hyers stability
and exponentially stable evolution equations in Banach spaces
Joi 25 februarie 2021: Asist. Dr. Lorand
Parajdi: Analysis of the effectiveness of the treatment of solid tumors in two
cases of drug administration
Joi 7 ianuarie 2021: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus:
Abstract Volterra fixed point equations: method of contraction and step by step
contractions principle
Joi 10 decembrie 2020: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel:
Frum-Ketkov type multivalued operators
Joi 26 noiembrie 2020: Conf. dr. Adela Novac
(UTCN): Solutions with a prescribed interval of positivity for differential
systems with nonlocal conditions
Joi 19 noiembrie 2020: Prof. dr. Radu Precup:
Implicit elliptic equations via Krasnoselskii-Schaefer type theorems
Joi 12 noiembrie 2020: Lect. dr. Adrian Viorel:
An invitation to economic growth models
Joi 5 noiembrie 2020: Conf. dr. Marcel-Adrian Șerban:
Frum-Ketkov operators which are weakly Picard
Joi 22 octombrie 2020: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel:
The Ulam-Hyers stability of an ordinary differential equation via Gronwall
Joi 15 octombrie 2020: Conf.dr. Adriana
Buică: Bifurcations from a normally degenerate cycle in forced planar
differential equations
Joi 8 octombrie 2020: Prof. dr. Radu Precup:
Fixed point - critical point hybrid theorems and applications to systems with
partial variational structure
Joi 1
octombrie 2020: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel: Conferințe vara 2020
Joi 1
octombrie 2020: Drd. Mădălina Moga: Operatori Meir Keeler (proiect de
Joi 1
octombrie 2020: Drd. Radu Trușcă: Teoreme locale de punct fix și
aplicații (proiect de cercetare)
- 2020): Conf.dr. Adriana Buică: Bifurcation from a degenerate
cycle in periodic 2-dimensional systems
Joi 12 martie 2020 (suspendat din cauza
Joi 5 martie 2020: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel:
Ulam stability of zero point equations
Joi 27 februarie 2020: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus:
Exact, approximate, numerical and qualitative methods in differential
equations: case studies
Joi 9
ianuarie 2020: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: Asupra teoremei lui Krasnoselskii pentru
operatori de tip sumă
Joi 12 decembrie 2019: Lect. dr. Adriana
Nicolae: The lion and man game and the fixed point property for nonexpansive
Joi 5 decembrie 2019: Lect.dr. Adrian Viorel: On
the stability of the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation to perturbations
Joi 28 noiembrie 2019: Prof. dr. Adrian
Petrusel: The relevance of a metric condition on a pair of operators in common
fixed point theory
Joi 21 noiembrie 2019: Prof. dr. Radu Precup:
Stationary solutions of Fokker-Planck equations with nonlinear reaction terms
in bounded domains
Joi 14 noiembrie 2019: Prof. dr. Vasile Berinde:
Weak and strong convergence theorems for Krasnoselkij iteration in the class of
enriched nonexpansive mappings
Joi 7
noiembrie 2019: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel, Prof.
dr. Radu Precup, Prof. dr. Vasile Berinde: Seminarul de Teoria Punctului
Fix 1969-2019
24 octombrie 2019: Informare a membrilor seminarului despre conferințele
la care au participat pe perioada verii
Joi 10 octombrie 2019: Dr. Jorge Rodriguez-Lopez
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain): Existence results for
discontinuous differential equations and systems
- 2019
Joi 6
iunie 2019: CSI dr. Gabriela Marinoski (membru corespondent al Academiei
Romane): Control optimal in timp minim pentru ecuații de evoluție
o Joi 30 mai 2019: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel: Pagini din istoria matematicii romanești
o Joi 23 mai 2019: Drd. Lorand Parajdi: Analysis of some mathematical models of cell dynamics in hematology
o Joi 16 mai 2019: Prof. dr. Gheorghe Morosanu: Asymptotic behavior of solutions to evolution equations governed by monotone operators
o Joi 25 aprilie 2019: Drd. Cristian Alecsa: Contributions to the fixed point theory of single-valued and multi-valued operators defined on generalized metric spaces
o Joi 18 aprilie 2019: Dr. Calin Iulian Martin: Hamiltonian formulation for wave current interactions for stratified rotational flows
o Joi 4 aprilie 2019: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel: Fixed point theory in terms of a metric and of an order relation
o Joi 28 martie 2019: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: A vector linking approach and componentwise solution localization for differential systems
o Joi 21 martie 2019: Conf. dr. Adriana Buica: Many periodic solutions for second order cubic nonautonomous differential equations
o Joi 14 martie 2019: Drd. Lorand Gabriel Parajdi: Stability of the equilibria of a dynamic system modeling stem cell transplantation
o Joi 7 martie 2019: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Operatorial equations equivalent to good fixed point equations
o Joi 10 ianuarie 2019: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel: Nonself graphic contractions and applications
o Joi 13 decembrie 2018: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: A variational analogue of Krasnoselskii cone fixed point theory
o Joi 6 decembrie 2018: Prof. dr. Jinlu Li (Shawnee State University, USA): Fixed point theorems in partially ordered spaces and their applications
29 noiembrie 2018: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Convergenta algoritmilor iterativi de
punct fix
o Joi 22 noiembrie 2018: Prof. dr. Armengol Gasull (UAB, Spain): The Harmonic Balance method, theory and applications
o Joi 15 noiembrie 2018: Prof. dr. Poom Kumam (Thailand): Existence of tripled fixed points and solution of functional integral equation through a measure of noncompactness
o Joi 8 noiembrie 2018: Dr. Dan Tiba: Implicit parametrizations and applications in optimization and control
o Joi 1 noiembrie 2018: Academician Viorel Barbu: Ecuatii Fokker-Planck neliniare
o Joi 25 octombrie 2018: Prof. dr. Laszlo Lempert (Purdue University, USA): The cohomological method in complex analysis
18 octombrie 2018: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Ipostazele dependentei de date in
teoria ecuatiilor, exemple problem si rezultate
o Joi 11 octombrie 2018: Prof. dr. Rainer Picard (Technical University of Dresden): Some electromagnetic wave propagation models for complex media, an operator theoretical perspective
o Joi 4 octombrie 2018: Participari la conferinte
- 2018
Joi 7 iunie 2018: Dr. Sylvain Koumla (Universite
Adam Barka d Abeche, Tchad): Contribution to the existence results for some
partial functional integro-differential equations with bounded delay
Joi 31 mai 2018: Drd. Lyna Benzenati (University
of Bejaia, Algeria): Existence results for singular BVPs on infinite intervals
in Banach spaces
Joi17 mai 2018: Prof. dr. Marian Muresan:
Mathematica and Differential Equations
Joi 10 mai 2018: Prof. dr. Radu Precup:
Localization and multiplicity in the homogenization of nonlinear problems
Joi 3 mai 2018: Drd. Jorge Rodriguez Lopez
(University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain): Discontinuous differential
equations and topological methods
Joi 26 aprilie 2018: Conf.dr. Adriana Buica:
Perturbed normalizers and Melnikov functions
29 martie 2018: Prof. dr. Vasile Berinde: Fascinatia operatorilor
demicontractivi. In memoriam professor Stefan Maruster
Joi 22 martie 2018: Lect. Dr. Darius Filip:
Fixed Point theory for nonself generalized contractions in Kasahara spaces
Joi15 martie 2018: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel:
Fixed points vs. coupled fixed points
Joi 8 martie 2018: Conf. dr. Marcel Adrian
Serban: Zero point principle of ball near identity operators and applications
to implicit operator problem
Joi 1 martie 2018: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: Book
presentation: Ordinary differential equations, De Gruyter, 2018
Joi 1 martie 2018: Drd. Lorand-Gabriel Parajdi:
Analysis of a planar differential system arising from hematology
Joi 18 ianuarie 2018: Prof. dr. Stefan Cobzas:
The completion of generalized b-metric spaces
Joi 11 ianuarie 2018: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Ștefan Mărușter, contribuții
o Joi 11 ianuarie 2018: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrușel: Ștefan Mărușter,
Profesor Honoris Causa al UBB pdf doc
14 decembrie 2017: Conf. dr. Adriana Buică: Metoda medierii in teoria ecuațiilor diferențiale
Joi 7 decembrie 2017: Conf. dr. Adriana Buică: Echivalența a două
metode de căutare a ciclurilor limită
Joi 23
noiembrie 2017: Drd. Cristian Alecsa: Rezultate recente in teoria punctului fix
Joi 16 noiembrie 2017: Conf. dr. Daniela Inoan
(UTCN): Variational relations problems via fixed points
Joi 9 noiembrie 2017: Drd. Lorand Parajdi:
Optimization problems in chronic leukemia therapy
Joi 26 octombrie 2017: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus:
Fixed point principle of nonself graphic contractions and applications
Joi 19 octombrie 2017: Prof. dr. Radu Precup:
Critical point theorems in bounded convex sets and localization of Nash-type
equilibria. Part II
Joi 12 octombrie 2017: Prof. dr. Radu Precup:
Critical point theorems in bounded convex sets and localization of Nash-type
equilibria. Part I
o Joi 8 iunie 2017: Prof. dr. Constantin Popa (Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta): Convergence rates for Kaczmarz-type algorithms
o Joi 18 mai 2017: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel: Coupled fixed point and coupled cincidence point via fixed point theory
o Joi 11 mai 2017: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Punct de vedere categorial in teoria punctului fix
o Joi 4 mai 2017: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: Boundary value problems for phi-Laplace equations. A variational approach
o Joi 27 aprilie 2017: Prof. dr. Maite Grau (Universitat de Lleida, Spania): Location of limit cycles: from numeric to analytic results
o Joi 13 aprilie 2017: Drd. Phikul Sridarat: Common fixed point theorems for multivalued weak contractive mappings in metric spaces with graphs
o Joi 6 aprilie 2017: Drd. Adrian Magdas: Best proximity problems for multivalued operators
o Joi 30 martie 2017: Conf. dr. Adela Novac: Theory and computation for multiple positive solutions of nonlocal problems at resonance
o Joi 23 martie 2017: Conf. dr. Marcel Adrian Serban: On the approximation of fixed points for condensing non-self mappings in metric spaces
o Joi 16 martie 2017: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Basic problems of metric fixed point theory revisited
o Joi 9 martie 2017: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel: Some variants of the contraction mapping principle for multi-valued operators, generalizations and applications
o Joi 23 februarie 2017: Prof. Suthep Suantai (Thailand): Best proximity point theorems and split common fixed point problems for nonlinear mappings
o Joi 19 ianuarie 2017: Dr. Watcharapong Anakkamatee: An approximation for the fixed point of some mappings in CAT(0) spaces
o Joi 12 ianuarie 2017: Prof. Dr. Ioan A. Rus: Ordinary differential equations in real and complex domains. Remarks
22 decembrie 2016: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: Inegalitati de tip Harnack cu
aplicatii la localizarea solutiilor pozitive
o Joi 15 decembrie 2016: Cerc. Diana Otrocol: An efficient step method for a system of differential equations with delay
o Joi 8 decembrie 2016: Prof. dr. Stefan Cobzas: Kantorovich-Rubinstein metric and the mass translocation problem
o Joi 24 noiembrie 2016: Prof. dr. Mihai Mihailescu: Inhomogeneous torsional creep problem
o Joi 17 noiembrie 2016: Conf. dr. Marcel Adrian Serban: Saturated fibre contraction principle
o Joi 10 noiembrie 2016: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Remarks on non-self generalized contractions
o Joi 3 noiembrie 2016: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: Hybrid delay evolution systems with nonlinear constraints
o Joi 27 octombrie 2016: Drd. Lorand Parajdi: A mathematical model of the transition from the normal hematopoiesis to the chronic and acceleration-accute stages in myeloid leukemia
o Joi 20 octombrie 2016: Prof. dr. Adrian Petruşel: An application of the coupled fixed point theory
Joi 13 octombrie 2016: Drd. Cristian Alecsa: Teoreme de punct fix pe
spatii metrice convexe
Joi 6
octombrie 2016: Participari la conferinte
- 2016
Joi 23 iunie 2016: Drd. Marija Cvetkovic
(University of Nis, Serbia): Extensions of Perov theorem on cone metric spaces
Joi 26 mai 2016: Drd. Angela Budescu:
Variational properties of the solutions of second order differential equations
and systems
Joi 12 mai 2016: Prof. dr. Gheorghe Morosanu:
Elliptic-like regularizations of some nonlinear evolution inclusions
Joi 21 aprilie 2016: Prof. dr. Kazimierz Goebel
(Marie Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland): Shapes and sizes of fixed
point sets for various mappings
Joi 14 aprilie 2016: Drd. Adrian Magdas: Fixed
point theorems for generalized contractions defined on cyclic representations
Joi 07 aprilie 2016: Dr. Adrian Viorel: Gradient
flows, nonexpansive semigroups and some of their applications
24 martie 2016: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Retractii pe multimea punctelor fixe si
Joi 17 martie 2016: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel:
Systems of operator equations via fixed point theory
Joi 10 martie 2016: Lect. dr. Adriana Nicolae:
An ergodic theorem in weakly uniformly convex geodesic spaces
Joi 3 martie 2016: Drd. Iulia Coroian: Fixed
point theorems for multi-valued contractions with respect to some generalized
Joi 25 februarie 2016: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: A
three critical point result in a bounded domain of a Banach space and
Joi 14 ianuarie 2016: Prof. Dr. Stefan Cobzas,
Variational principles, fixed points and completeness in partial metric spaces
Joi 7
ianuarie 2016: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Teoria structurilor de punct fix dupa 30
de ani
Joi 10 decembrie 2015: Lect. dr. Monica Bota,
Fixed point theorems for nonself operators in b-metric spaces
Joi 3 decembrie 2015: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel,
The impact of fixed point theory to iterative approximation schemes for
multivalued operators
Joi 26 noiembrie 2015: Drd. Diana Herlea,
Existence, localization and multiplicity of positive solutions for the
Dirichlet boundary value problem with Phi-Laplacian
Joi 19 noiembrie 2015: Prof. dr. Adrian
Petrusel, Coupled fixed point theorems in generalized metric spaces
Joi 12 noiembrie 2015: Prof. dr. Gheorghe
Morosanu, Eigenvalues of (Delta_p+Delta_q) under Neumann boundary condition
Joi 5 noiembrie 2015: Conf. dr. Marcel-Adrian
Serban, Fixed point structures, invariant operators and applications to
Caratheodory integral equations
Joi 22 octombrie 2015: Dr. Adrian Viorel,
Metastability in the Burgers and radiative gas models
Joi 15 octombrie 2015: Radu Precup, Multiple
positive solutions to a fourth order boundary value problem
Joi 8
octombrie 2015: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Directii de cercetare asupra conjecturii
lui LaSalle
Joi 1 octombrie 2015: Participari la conferinte
o 2014 - 2015
Joi 4 iunie 2015: Radu Precup: A Schecter type
critical point result in annular conical domains of a Banach space and
Joi 28 mai 2015: Dr. Octavia Bolojan: Implicit
first order differential systems with nonlocal conditions
Joi 14 mai 2015: Conf. dr. Marcel Adrian Serban:
Nonexpansive operators as graphic contractions
Joi 7 mai 2015: Prof. dr. Gheorghe Morosanu (CEU
Budapest): On second-order differential inclusions on the positive half-line
Joi 30 aprilie 2015: Adriana Nicolae: Chebyshev
sets in geodesic spaces
Joi 23 aprilie 2015: Drd. Jozsef Kolumban Jr.:
Some control problems in fluid mechanics
Joi 2
aprilie 2015: Adriana Buica: Asupra functiei de perioada pentru sisteme planare
analitice cu un continuu de orbite periodice
Joi 26 martie 2015: Prof. dr. Marian Muresan: On
the maximal orbit transfer problem
Joi 19 martie 2015: Dr. Adrian Viorel: A
geometric approach to a nonlocal Cauchy problem
Joi 12 martie 2015: Dr. Denisa Stancu-Dumitru:
On the spectrum of a boundary value problem involving a nonhomogeneous
differential operator and Newmann boundary condition
Joi 5 martie 2015: Prof. dr. Cristian Chifu:
Fixed point theory in metric spaces endowed with a graph
Joi 26 februarie 2015: Prof. dr. Radu Precup:
Nash-type equilibria for systems of Szulkin functionals
Joi 15 ianuarie 2015: Conf. dr. Andras Szilard:
Ulam Hyers stability for singular integral equations
Joi 8 ianuarie 2015: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus:
Iterates of linear operators via Maia fixed point theorem
Joi 11 decembrie 2014: Drd. Angela Budescu:
Variational properties of the solutions of semilinear equations under
nonresonance conditions
Joi 4 decembrie 2014: Lect. dr. Veronica-Ana
Ilea: Properties of the zeros of the solutions of second order nonlinear
differential systems
Joi 27 noiembrie 2014: Dr. Oana Mlesnite:
Ulam-Hyers stability results for coincidence problems via metric regularity
Joi 20 noiembrie 2014: Prof. dr. Laszlo
Szekelyhidi (University of Leipzig): The Euler equations: anomalous dissipation
and non-uniqueness
Joi 13 noiembrie 2014: Drd. Diana-Raluca Herlea:
Existence, localization and multiplicity of positive solutions to Phi-Laplace
equations and systems
Joi 6 noiembrie 2014: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel:
Fixed set theorems for generalized contractions
Joi 30 octombrie 2014: Conf. dr. Marcel-Adrian
Serban: Some fixed point theorems for nonself generalized contraction in gauge
Joi 23 octombrie 2014: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: Vectorial
approach to coupled nonlinear Schrodinger systems under nonlocal Cauchy
Joi 16 octombrie 2014: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus:
Heuristic introduction to weakly Picard operator theory
Joi 9
octombrie 2014: Conf. dr. Adriana Buica: Asupra istoriei si popularizarii
Joi 2
octombrie 2014: Diferite interventii despre conferintele la care au participat
membrii seminarului
o 2013 - 2014
o Joi 29 mai 2014: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: A unified existence theory for evolution equtions and systems under nonlocal conditions
o Joi 15 mai 2014: Drd. Angela Budescu: Semilinear operator equations and systems with potential-type nonlinearities
Joi 8
mai 2014: Conf. dr. Ovidiu Popescu: Teoreme de punct fix pentru contractii de
tip Suzuki si Geraghty
10 aprilie 2014: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Observatii asupra teoremei lui Caristi
o Joi 3 aprilie 2014: Prof. dr. Gheorghe Morosanu (CEU Budapest): Periodic forcing for some differential and difference inclusions
o Joi 27 martie 2014: Drd. Iulia Coroian: Fixed point theorems for multivalued contractions with respect to topologically equivalent metrics
o Joi 27 martie 2014: Drd. Anca Oprea: Fixed point theorems for rational contractions
o Joi 20 martie 2014: Drd. Diana-Raluca Herlea: Existence and localization of positive solutions to first order differential systems with nonlocal conditions
o Joi 13 martie 2014: Dr. Mihai Mihailescu (Universitatea din Craiova): An eigenvalue problem involving a nonhomogeneous operator in divergence form
o Joi 13 martie 2014: Dr. Nicusor Costea (IMAR Bucuresti): Nonlinear hemivariational inequalities: formulation, existence of solutions and applications
Joi 6
martie 2014: Prof. dr. Radu Precup: Existenta, localizarea si multiplicitatea
solutiilor pozitive ale sistemelor operatoriale
o Joi 27 februarie 2014: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Conf. dr. Marcel Adrian Serban, Some fixed point theorems for nonself generalized contraction
o Joi 16 ianuarie 2014: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel: On Ciric type fixed point theorems
o Joi 9 ianuarie 2014: Lect. dr. Andras Szilard: Stabilitatea Ulam-Hyers a ecuatiilor eliptice
12 decembrie 2013: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus: Retracte generalizate si puncte fixe
Joi 5
decembrie 2013: Drd. Galina Sprincean (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova,
Chisinau), Metode de modelare numerica a proceselor neliniare in materiale
o Joi 5 decembrie 2013: Asist. dr. Monica Bota: Fixed point theorems for alpha-psi contractions in b-metric spaces
o Joi 28 noiembrie 2013: Lect. dr. Marcel Adrian Serban: Iterative algorithms for triangular operators
o Joi 14 noiembrie 2013: Prof. dr. I.M. Cherevko: On the main fields of research at the Department of Mathematics of Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
o Joi 7 noiembrie 2013: Conf. dr. Adriana Buica: Periodic solutions for singularly perturbed systems
o Joi 31 octombrie 2013: Dr. Piotr Kopacz (Jagiellonian University, Cracovia, Polonia): On Zermelo navigation problem on Riemannian manifolds in dim(RxM)=3
o Joi 24 octombrie 2013: Dr. Mohamed Boumaiza (Sousse, Tunisia): Common fixed points for single and multivalued mappings
o Joi 24 octombrie 2013: Dr. Sana Hadj Amor (Sousse, Tunisia): Krasnoselkii type fixed set results under weak topology
o Joi 17 octombrie 2013: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, On three lemmas: Cauchy, Gronwall and Tonelli
o Joi 10 octombrie 2013: Prof. dr. Radu Precup, Variational properties of contraction-like operators
Joi 3
octombrie 2013: Prof. dr. Radu Precup, Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel, Lect. dr.
Marcel-Adrian Serban, Prof. dr. Vasile Berinde, Informare asupra participarii
la diverse manifestari stiintifice
o 2012 - 2013
o Joi 23 mai 2013: Prof. dr. Nicolae Lungu, Leme Gronwall optimale
o Joi 16 mai 2013: Drd. Cristina Urs, Fixed point results for multivalued operators in cone metric spaces
o Joi 25 aprilie 2013: Student Kolumban Joszef jr., Fixed points of systems of cone-compressing and cone-extending operators in Frechet spaces with applications to differential equations
18 aprilie 2013: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel, Asupra unor probleme deschise in
teoria punctului fix pentru operatori multivoci (partea a doua)
o Joi 11 aprilie 2013: Dr. Francesca Faraci (Universitatea din Catania, Italia), On a bifurcation problem with an asymptotically linear nonlinearity
Joi 4
aprilie 2013: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel, Asupra unor probleme deschise in
teoria punctului fix pentru operatori multivoci
28 martie 2013: Conf. dr. Adriana Buica, Multiplicatori Jacobi si integrale
prime pentru sisteme diferentiale neautonome
o Joi 21 martie 2013: Drd. Oana Mlesnite, Generalized contractions for coincidence problems
o Joi 14 martie 2013: Prof. dr. Vasile Berinde, Fixed point theorems for nonself single valued almost contractions
o Joi 7 martie 2013: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Maximum principles for elliptic systems and the problem of the minimum matrix norm of a characteristic matrix, revisited
o Joi 28 februarie 2013: Prof. dr. Radu Precup, On a bounded critical point theorem of Schechter
o Joi 17 ianuarie 2013: Dr. Radu Ignat (Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay), Elliptic approximation of singular energies
o Joi 17 ianuarie 2013: Prof. dr. Filippo Santambrogio (Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay), An introduction to branched transport and its approximation via elliptic problems
o Joi 10 ianuarie 2013: Lect. dr. Marcel Serban, Basic problems of the metric fixed point theory and the relevance of a metric fixed point theorem
o Joi 13 decembrie 2012: Lansare de carte: 1. Stefan Cobzas, Functional Analysis in Asymmetric Normed Spaces, Birkhauser, 2013; 2. Radu Precup, Linear and Semilinear Partial Differential Equations, De Gruyter, 2013
o Joi 6 decembrie 2012: Lect. dr. Szilard Andras, Ulam-Hyers stability of dynamic equations on time scales via Picard operators
29 noiembrie 2012: Prof. dr. Ioan A.
Rus, Metrici generalizate si puncte fixe
15 noiembrie 2012: Lect. dr. Marcel
Serban, Metoda pasilor pentru un sistem de ecuatii integrale din biomatematica
o Joi 8 noiembrie 2012: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Results and problems in Ulam stability of operatorial equations and inclusions
o Joi 1 noiembrie 2012: Prof. dr. Radu Precup, A new application of Ekeland variational principle
25 octombrie 2012: Informare asupra participarii unor membrii ai seminarului la
manifestari stiintifice internationale
o Joi 4 octombrie 2012: Drd. Sorin Budisan, Prezentare in catedra a tezei de doctorat
o Vineri 28 septembrie 2012: Aurora Fernandez Leon (Universidad de Sevilla), On reflections and relatively nonexpansive mappings in geodesic spaces
o 2011 - 2012
o Joi 24 mai 2012: Lect. dr. Szilard Andras, Metode iterative perturbate
o Joi 17 mai 2012: Drd. Oana Mlesnite, Existence and Ulam-Hyers stability results for multivalued coincidence problems
o Joi 10 mai 2012: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Problema submultimilor invariante in cazul operatorilor crescatori
o Joi 3 mai 2012: Prof. dr. Radu Precup, Parabolic Harnack type inequalities and multiple positive solutions of evolution equations
26 aprilie 2012: Conf. dr. Adriana Buica, Solutii periodice pentru sisteme
neliniare cu un parametru mic: functia lui Malkin de ordinul al doilea
o Joi 5 aprilie 2012: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Five open problems in fixed point theory II
29 martie 2012: Prof. dr. Mircea Balaj
(Universitatea din Oradea), Teoreme de existenta pentru solutiile unor probleme
variational relationale
o Joi
22 martie 2012: Prof. dr. Damian Trif,
Metode aproximative controversate
o Joi
15 martie 2012: Prof. dr. Damian Trif,
Metoda tau pentru ecuatii cu argument modificat
o Joi
8 martie 2012: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus,
Five open problems in fixed point theory
o Joi
1 martie 2012: Prof. dr. Adrian
Petrusel, Multivalued Picard operators
o Joi 19 ianuarie 2012: Prof. dr. Radu Precup, Asupra
multiplicitatii solutiilor positive. O metoda operatoriala abstracta
o Joi 12 ianuarie 2012: Prof. dr. Radu Precup, Asupra
multiplicitatii solutiilor positive. Cateva exemple
o Joi 15 decembrie 2011: Prof. dr. Ioan A.
Rus, Exemple si contraexemple la problema lui Cauchy
o Joi
15 decembrie 2011: Lect. dr. Marcel-Adrian Serban, Equivalent metrics in fixed
point theory
o Joi 8 decembrie 2011: Drd. Octavia Nica,
Rezultate de tip Leray-Schauder si aplicatii (raport de cercetare)
o Joi 24 noiembrie 2011: Prof. dr. Damian
Trif, Forma operatoriala a metodei tau pentru rezolvarea numerica a ecuatiilor
diferentiale neliniare
o Joi 17 noiembrie 2011: Adriana Buica,
Asupra persistentei punctului de echilibru ca solutie periodica in sisteme
o Joi 10 noiembrie 2011: Prof. dr. Radu Precup, Metode operatoriale
pentru sisteme neliniare si aplicatii
o Joi 3 noiembrie 2011: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Punct de vedere
abstract asupra aproximarii punctelor fixe prin metode iterative: impactul
asupra ecuatiilor de punct fix
o Joi 20 octombrie 2011: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Observatii generale
asupra metodelor iterative de aproximare a punctelor fixe
o Joi 6 octombrie 2011: Sustinere in catedra a doua teze de doctorat
de catre Adrian Viorel si Darius Filip
- 2011
o Miercuri 25 mai 2011: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Operatori producatori
de coincidenta
o Miercuri 18 mai 2011: Drd. Adrian Viorel,
Despre existenta solutiilor unei ecuatii viscoelastice
o Miercuri
11 mai 2011: Drd. Adriana Nicolae, Teoria punctului fix in spatii metrice
reflexive (sustinerea in catedra a tezei de doctorat)
o Miercuri
4 mai 2011: Drd. Sorin Budisan, Krasnoselskii type fixed point theorems in
cones and applications
o Miercuri
20 aprilie 2011: Lect. dr. Marcel-Adrian Serban, Equivalent metrics in the
fixed point theory
o Miercuri
13 aprilie 2011: Prof. dr. Damian Trif, Matrix Based Operatorial Approach to
Differential and Integral Problems
o Miercuri
6 aprilie 2011: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus,
Metrici abstracte
o Miercuri
30 martie 2011: Conf. dr. Bianca Satco, Non-absolute integrals in Banach spaces
and applications
o Miercuri 23 martie 2011: Adriana Buica,
Asupra problemei centrului in R^2 si R^3
o Miercuri 16 martie 2011: Prof. dr. Radu
Precup, Inegalitatea lui Moser-Harnack, teoreme de tip Krasnoselskii si
probleme eliptice
o Miercuri 9 martie 2011: Prof. dr. Radu
Precup, Asupra teoremelor de compresie-extensie de tip Krasnoselskii
o Miercuri 2 martie 2011: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Submultimi invariante
si puncte fixe
o Miercuri 23 februarie 2011: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel, ICFPTA 2012
o Miercuri 12 ianuarie 2011: Prof. dr. Ioan A. Rus, Sisteme dinamice:
inainte si dupa 2000
o Miercuri 5 ianuarie 2011: Prof. dr. Nicolaie Lungu, Inegalitati si
o Miercuri 15 decembrie 2010: Adriana
Nicolae, Convergenta si puncte fixe in spatii metrice reflexive
o Miercuri
8 decembrie 2010: Szilard Andras, O rafinare a inegalitatii Wendroff
o Miercuri 24 noiembrie 2010: Adriana Buica,
Asupra bifurcatiei solutiilor periodice
o Miercuri
17 noiembrie 2010: Prof. dr. Damian Trif, Ecuatii diferentiale fractionare
o Miercuri 10 noiembrie 2010: Adriana
Nicolae, Spatii metrice reflexive. Exemple si proprietati
o Miercuri 3 noiembrie 2010: Prof. dr. Adrian Petrusel, Asupra unei
probleme de coincidenta
o Miercuri
27 octombrie 2010: Prof. dr. Radu Precup The Leray-Schauder condition, vector
norms and critical point
o Miercuri
13 octombrie 2010: Prof. dr. Ioan
A. Rus, Fixed point and interpolation point set of a positive linear operator
on C(D)
o Miercuri
6 octombrie 2010: Prof. dr. Radu Precup, Nonlinear Operators, Differential
Equations and Applications