Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica
Departamentul de Matematica
Grupul de cercetare de Mecanica si Astronomie
- Prof. univ. dr. KOHR Mirela - coordonator
- Prof. univ. dr. KOHR Gabriela
- Prof. univ. dr. GROSAN Teodor
- Prof. univ. dr. CURT Paula
- Conf. univ. dr. BLAGA Cristina
- Conf. univ. dr. PINTEA Cornel
- Lect. univ. dr. IANCU Mihai
- Lect. univ. dr. BERINDE Stefan
- Asist. univ. dr. ALBISORU Florin
- Drd. PAPUC Ioan
- Drd. LUCA Eugenia
- Conf. univ. dr. REVNIC Cornelia
- Conf. univ. dr. CIMPEAN Dalia
- Lect. univ. dr. PATRULESCU Flavius-Olimpiu
- Dr. GUTT Robert
- Dr. FERICEAN Denisa
Seminarii de cercetare: Cladirea Mathematica, sala pi, Joi, orele 14:00 - 15:00 sau online (Zoom)
- 2012/2013
- 25.10.2012, Drd. Mihai Iancu, Rezultate actuale in teoria lanturilor Loewner
- 1.11.2012, Drd. Papara Nicolae Valentin, Procese Schramm – Loewner
- 29.11.2012, Drd. Denisa Fericean, sustinerea publica a tezei de doctorat:
"Techniques of potential theory and geometric function theory in the study
of some problems in fluid mechanics"
- 20.12.2012, Drd. Mihai Iancu, Control optimal si multumi accesibile in H(D)
- 10.01.2013, Lect. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Probleme de tip Robin transmisie pentru sisteme Stokes si Brinkman
- 24.01.2013, Lect. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Modele neliniare pentru curgeri in medii poroase
- 14.02.2013, Dr. Rares Pop, University of Bangor (UK), Studii asupra efectului termoforezei in convectia libera din cavitati
- 07.03.2013, Lect. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Probleme de transport in medii poroase saturate cu nanofluide
- 14.03.2013, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, Proprietati ale operatorilor M-B monotoni. Aplicatii
- 28.03.2013, Prof. Dr. Gabriela Kohr, The generalized Loewner differential equation. Applications
- 04.04.2013, Conf. Dr. Cristina Blaga, Problema inversa a dinamicii
- 11.04.2013, Lect. Dr. Stefan Berinde, Simulating gravity fields with discrete dynamical systems
- 23.05.2013, Conf. Dr. Radu Trimbitas, Utilizarea chebfun in rezolvarea numerica a ecuatiilor diferentiale ordinare
- 06.06.2013, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Poisson problems for semilinear Brinkman systems on Lipschitz domains
- 2013/2014
- 31.10.2013, Conf. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Transport phenomena in nanofluids
- 21.11.2013, Drd. Teodora Chirila, Contributions in the geometric function theory
- 05.12.2013, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Robin problems for the Brinkman and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman systems
- 12.12.2013, Prof. Dr. Gabriela Kohr, Extremal problems for univalent mappings of several complex variables
- 19.12.2013, Conf. Dr. Cristina Blaga, Geodezice de tip temporal circulare in jurul unei gaurii negre dilaton, cu simetrie sferica, incarcata
- 09.01.2014, Lect. Dr. Stefan Berinde, Meteo Cube - conception and design
- 31.01.2014, Dr. Ikkei Hotta, Technical University of Tokyo, L^d-Loewner chains with quasiconformal extensions
- 06.03.2014, Prof. Dr. Oliver Roth, University of Wuerzburg (Germany), Pontryagin's maximum principle for the Loewner equation in higher dimensions
- 10.04.2014, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, On the invertibility of some elliptic operators on manifolds with boundary and cylindrical ends
- 17.04.2014, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang L. Wendland, University of Stuttgart (Germany), On the coupled Darcy-Stokes flow
- 29.05.2014, Assist. Prof. Casian Pantea, West Virginia University (USA), Persistence, Permanence, and Global Stability in Biological Interaction Networks
- 29.05.2014, Assoc. Prof. Alexandru Tamasan, Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida (USA), Uniqueness and non-uniqueness in conductivity imaging via the 1-Laplacian
- 05.06.2014, Dr. Dagmar Medkova, Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, L^p solution of the Robin problem for the Oseen equation
- 2014/2015
- 04.09.2014, Dr. Mikhail Sheremet, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Tomsk State University,Tomsk State University and Reasearch on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer
- 16.10.2014, Drd. Mihai Iancu, On a variational method for Loewner chains. Applications
- 30.10.2014, Drd. Robert Gutt, On the Lid-driven problem in a porous cavity. A numerical approach
- 06.11.2014, Conf. Dr. Paula Curt, On some Hele-Shaw flow problems. Applications
- 13.11.2014, Conf. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Convective flow in cavities filled with nanofluid saturated porous media
- 13.11.2014, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, Global injectivity criteria via monotonicity
- 20.11.2014, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic systems in domains with interior cuts. Applications
- 04.12.2014, Conf. Dr. Cristina Blaga, Clasificarea geodezicelor de tip temporal in jurul gaurilor negre dilaton cu simetrie sferica
- 19.03.2015, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, Operations with monotone operators and the monotonicity of the resulting operators
- 26.03.2015, Drd. Robert Gutt, Mixed Dirichlet-Neumann problems for the generalized Darcy-Brinkman system for L^p-based Sobolev and Besov spaces
- 02.04.2015, Dr. Ovidiu Bagdasar, University of Derby (UK), The role of lubrication in cell adhesion: deterministic results and simulations for a simplified theoretical cell model
- 04.06.2015, Dr. Ovidiu Bagdasar, University of Derby (UK), On linear recurrences in the complex plane and applications
- 2015/2016
- 01.10.2015, Assoc. Prof. Ciprian Demeter, Indiana University, Bloomington (USA), Decouplings and applications
- 05.11.2015, Drd. Robert Gutt, The Boundary Element Method for Mixed Dirichet-Robin problems
- 19.11.2015, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, Minimal convex coverings
- 26.11.2015, Conf. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Mathematical models of heat transfer in nanofluid saturated porous media
- 03.12.2015, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, A layer potential approach for an inverse problem in fluid mechanics
- 10.12.2015, Prof. Dr. Grigore Salagean, Harmonic univalent functions on the unit disc
- 07.01.2016, Assist. Prof. Casian Pantea, West Virginia University (USA), Some results on injectivity and multistationarity in networks of
interacting elements
- 25.02.2016, Conf. Dr. Cristina Blaga, Stability of circular orbits in Manev potential
- 10.03.2016, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, Monotonicity and local/grobal injectivity results
- 7.04.2016, Cerc. Dr. Cezar Joita (Institutul de Matematica "Simion Stoilow" al Acad. Romane, Bucuresti), Despre parametrizarea germenilor de singularitati 2-dimensionale
- 2.06.2016, Dr. Tamas Darvas (Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, USA), Special metrics in Kahler geometry
- 9.06.2016, Prof. Dr. Alexandru Tamasan, Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida (USA), The Current Density Impedance Imaging (CDII) with Complete Electrode boundary conditions
- 18.07.2016, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang L. Wendland, Department of Mathematics, University of Stuttgart (Germany), On Potential Methods for Porous Media Flows
- 22.09.2016, Drd. Papara Nicolae Valentin, Iterative techniques for fourth order biharmonic-type equations
- 2016/2017
- 06.10.2016, Drd. Robert Gutt, Theoretical and numerical study of mixed boundary value problems for the nonlinear Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman system
- 27.10.2016, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, Injectivity criteria via monotone operators
- 10.11.2016, Conf. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Bidisperse porous media
- 08.12.2016, Dr. Paolo Musolino, Department of Mathematics, University of Padova (Italy), Singular perturbation problems in perforated domains
- 22.12.2016, Drd. Jozsef Kolumban, CEREMADE, Université Paris - Dauphine (France), External boundary control of the motion of a rigid body immersed in a perfect two-dimensional fluid
- 12.01.2017, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Transmission problems for the Stokes and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman systems in Lipschitz domains
- 16.01.2017, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Variational approach and potential theory for Stokes and Brinkman equations with non-smooth coefficients in exterior Lipschitz domains
- 09.03.2017, Drd. Robert Gutt, Mixed boundary value problems for the Navier-Stokes system on Riemannian manifolds (I)
- 16.03.2017, Drd. Robert Gutt, Mixed boundary value problems for the Navier-Stokes system on Riemannian manifolds (II)
- 18.05.2017, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, On the structure of closed and convex sets
- 25.05.2017, Stud. Florin Albisoru, A transmission type problem for the generalized Brinkman and Stokes systems in complementary Lipschitz domains in R^3
- 2017/2018
- 19.10.2017, Dr. Erno Robert Csetnek, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna (Austria), Approaching nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization problems through continuous and discrete proximal-type algorithms
- 19.10.2017, Drd. Robert Gutt, Boundary value problems of mixed type for the Stokes, Oseen and Navier-Stokes systems on compact Riemannian manifolds
- 16.11.2017, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, Examples of smooth maps with finitely many critical points in dimensions (4,3),(8,5)and (16,9)
- 14.12.2017, Prof. Dr. Paula Curt, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Some geometrical properties of free boundaries in the Hele-Shaw flows
- 17.01.2018, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Transmission problems for the Navier-Stokes and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman systems in Lipschitz domains
- 18.01.2018, Drd. Florin Albisoru, A transmission problem for the Stokes and generalized Brinkman systems
- 26.04.2018, Conf. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Flow and heat transfer over a permeable bi-axial stretching/shrinking sheet in a nanofluid
- 31.05.2018, Drd. Florin Albisoru, Transmission problems for Brinkman-type systems in Lipschitz domains in R^3
- 7.06.2018, Dr. Ovidiu Bagdasar (University of Derby, UK), On cyclotomic polynomial coefficients
- 7.06.2018, Prof. dr. G.P. Raja Sekhar, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, Bi-phasic mixture theory model for hydrodynamics inside tumors - existence theory
and explicit results
- 2018/2019
- 21.09.2018, Prof. Dr. Mikhail Sheremet, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Tomsk State University, Russia, Numerical simulation of natural convection melting of phase change materials
- 27.09.2018, Drd. Florin Albisoru, Contributions to the study of transmission problems for Brinkman-type systems in R^3
- 4.10.2018, Prof. dr. Mohammad Ghalambaz, Islamic Azad University Dezful, Iran, Applications of nanotechnologies - mathematical models
- 11.10.2018, Prof. dr. Mohammad Ghalambaz, Islamic Azad University Dezful, Iran, Hybrid nanofluids. Applications and mathematical modelling
- 8.11.2018, Conf. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Bidisperse porous media. The Brinkman model (I)
- 22.11.2018, Conf. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Bidisperse porous media. The Brinkman model (II)
- 17.12.2018, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Layer potentials and Poisson problems for the Stokes system in Lipschitz domains. Applications
- 14.03.2019, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, A nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue-transmission problem with Neumann boundary condition
- 18.04.2019, Drd. Robert Gutt, Mixed Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Systems in Fluid Mechanics and Porous Media
- 14.06.2019, Prof. Dr. Toshiyuki Sugawa, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Geometric properties of nonlinear resolvent for a semigroup of analytic self-maps
of the unit disk
- 20.06.2019, Drd. Florin Albisoru, On some transmission problems for generalized Brinkman and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman systems
- 5.07.2019, Prof. Dr. Alexandru Tamasan, Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida (USA), The Cauchy problem for a Beltrami equation with operator coefficients and applications to Optical Tomography
- 2019/2020
- 12.09.2019, Drd. Florin Albisoru, On some transmission problems for Stokes and generalized Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman systems. A layer potential approach
- 17.10.2019, Drd. Ioan Papuc, Boundary value problems for the Stokes and Brinkman systems
- 31.10.2019, Drd. Robert Gutt, Mixed Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Systems in Fluid Mechanics and Porous Media (public presentation of the PhD thesis)
- 28.11.2019, Conf. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Transfer Phenomena in Non-Darcy Bidisperse Porous Media
- 9.01.2020, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Layer potential theory and exterior boundary value problems for the Stokes system with nonsmooth coefficients. Applications
- 9.01.2020, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Transmission problems for the Navier-Stokes system with nonsmooth coefficients. Applications
- 27.02.2020, Asist. Drd. Florin Albisoru, Potential Theory and Boundary Element Method for the Laplace Equation. An introductionn
- 2020/2021
- 05.11.2020, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang L. Wendland, Institute for Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation & SIMTECH, Stuttgart University (Germany),
Potential methods and solution spaces of Stokes and Brinkman problems
- 19.11.2020, Conf. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Free convection in a cavity filled by a Brikman bidisperse porous medium
- 26.11.2020, Conf. Dr. Teodor Grosan, Transfer phenomena in hybrid nanofluid
- 7.01.2021, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Boundary value problems for anisotropic Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems. Applications
- 15.04.2021, Drd. Eugenia Luca, Some geometric properties of starlike and convex domains in the Hele-Shaw Flow Problem
- 2021/2022
- 27.09.2021, Drd. Ioan Papuc, Scientific report
- 27.09.2021, Drd. Eugenia Luca, Scientific project
- 04.11.2021, Drd. Ioan Papuc, A Dirichlet-transmission problem for the Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman and Navier-Stokes equations
in bounded Lipschitz domains
- 03.03.2022, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, The level sets of functions with bounded critical sets and bounded Hess+ complements