Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica
Departamentul de Matematica

Grupul de cercetare de Analiza Complexa "Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr"


Seminarii de cercetare: Cladirea Mathematicum, sala pi sau online Zoom, Joi, orele 13 - 14

·  2014/2015

·  16.10.2014, Drd. Mihai Iancu, On a variational method for Loewner chains. Applications

·  06.11.2014, Conf. Dr. Paula Curt, On some Hele-Shaw flow problems. Applications

·  13.11.2014, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, Global injective criteria via monotonicity

·  20.11.2014, Prof. dr. Mirela Kohr, Boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic systems in domains with interior cuts. Applications

·  27.11.2014, Prof. dr. Grigore Salagean, Convolutions on classes of harmonic mappings

·  4.12.2014, Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, Support points and extreme points for mappings with A-parametric representation

·  15.01.2015, Asist. dr. Veronica Nechita, TBA

·  26.02.2015, Drd. Mihai Iancu, On generalized parametric representation and associated extremal problems in several complex variables

·  19.03.2015, Conf. Dr. Cornel Pintea, Operations with monotone operators and the monotonicity of the resulting operators. Applications to global injectivity criteria

·  2.04.2015, Dr. Ovidiu Bagdasar (University of Derby, UK), On the geometric patterns produced by Horadam sequences in the complex plane

·  4.06.2015, Dr. Ovidiu Bagdasar (University of Derby, UK), On linear recurrences in the complex plane and applications

·  29.06.2015, Prof. Dr. Filippo Bracci (University "Tor Vergata", Rome), Loewner theory and approximation of non-Runge mappings in higher dimensions

·  2015/2016

·  1.10.2015, Assoc. Prof. Ciprian Demeter (Indiana University, Bloomington (USA)), Decouplings and applications

·  16.10.2015, Drd. Mihai Iancu, Contributions in the theory of Loewner chains (sustinere publica teza de doctorat)

·  5.11.2015, Prof. dr. Grigore Salagean, Harmonic univalent functions on the unit disc

·  19.11.2015, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, Minimal convex coverings

·  26.11.2015, Drd. Mihai Iancu and Prof. Dr. Gabriela Kohr, Recent results in the theory of Loewner chains in higher dimensions

·  3.12.2015, Prof. dr. Mirela Kohr, A layer potential approach for an inverse problem in fluid mechanics

·  3.12.2015, Prof. dr. Paula Curt, Invariant geometric properties in Hele-Shaw flows

·  10.12.2015, Prof. dr. Grigore Salagean, Harmonic univalent functions on the unit disc (II)

·  3.03.2016, Prof. dr. Stefan Cobzas, Support functionals in concrete Banach spaces

·  10.03.2016, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, Monotonicity and local/global injectivity results

·  24.03.2016, Asist. dr. Mihai Iancu, On embedding biholomorphic mappings in Loewner chains in C^n

·  7.04.2016, Cerc. Dr. Cezar Joita (Institutul de Matematica "Simion Stoilow" al Acad. Romane, Bucuresti), Despre parametrizarea germenilor de singularitati 2-dimensionale

·  2.06.2016, Dr. Tamas Darvas (Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, USA), Special metrics in Kahler geometry

·  2016/2017

·  20.10.2016, Asist. dr. Mihai Iancu, Density of the automorphisms of C^n with various geometric properties on B^n

·  27.10.2016, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, Injectivity criteria via monotone operators

·  17.11.2016, Prof. dr. Paula Curt and Prof. dr. Mirela Kohr, Some geometrical properties of free boundaries in the Hele-Shaw flows

·  24.11.2016, Asist. dr. Mihai Iancu and Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, Some results on Runge domains. Applications

·  15.12.2016, Drd. Olga Engel, The radius of starlikeness, convexity and uniform convexity of the normalized Laguerre polynomials

·  2.03.2017, Asist. dr. Mihai Iancu, On polynomially convex domains biholomorphic to B^n

·  6.04.2017, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, Asupra structurii multimilor convexe si inchise

·  13.04.2017, Drd. Pall-Szabo Agnes-Orsolya, Some results concerning the Salagean and Ruscheweyh derivatives

·  24.04.2017, Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, The Caratheodory family on the unit ball in C^n. Analytic and geometric approaches

·  18.05.2017, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, Asupra structurii multimilor convexe si inchise (II)

·  2017/2018

·  5.10.2017, Drd. Szatmari Eszter, Noi rezultate legate de utilizarea unor operatori fractionali

·  26.10.2017, Asist. dr. Mihai Iancu and Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, On approximation properties of automorphisms and smooth quasiconformal diffeomorphisms of C^n

·  16.11.2017, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, Examples of smooth maps with finitely many critical points in dimensions (4,3), (8,5) and (16,9)

·  7.12.2017, Prof. Dr. Paula Curt, Prof. Dr. Mirela Kohr, Some geometrical properties of free boundaries in the Hele-Shaw flows

·  14.12.2017, Prof. dr. Stefan Cobzas, Continuity and Lipschitz properties of convex vector-functions

·  1.03.2018, Drd. Olga Engel, Contributii la teoria geometrica a functiilor

·  15.03.2018, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, Two classes of closed convex sets

·  29.03.2018, Asist. dr. Mihai Iancu and Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, Approximation of univalent mappings on the unit ball by automorphisms and quasiconformal diffeomorphisms of class C^\infty in C^n

·  21.05.2018, Drd. Pall-Szabo Agnes-Orsolya, Properties of certain classes of analytic or harmonic functions

·  24.05.2018, Drd. Andra Manu, Extension operators preserving Janowski classes of univalent functions

·  7.06.2018, Dr. Ovidiu Bagdasar (University of Derby, UK), On cyclotomic polynomial coefficients

·  2018/2019

·  4.10.2018, Drd. Szatmari Eszter, Aplicatii ale subordonarilor diferentiale si noi proprietati ale unor clase de functii biunivalente

·  25.10.2018, Prof. dr. Laszlo Lempert (Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, USA), The cohomological method in complex analysis

·  8.11.2018, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, Special closed convex sets in R^n

·  15.11.2018, Drd. Andra Manu, The Muir extension operator and Janowski univalent functions

·  15.11.2018, Asist. dr. Mihai Iancu, Runge properties and univalent mappings with parametric representation on the unit ball in C^n

·  16.01.2019, Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, Sharp growth and coefficient bounds for the Caratheodory family on the Euclidean unit ball in C^n. Applications

·  17.01.2019, Asist. dr. Mihai Iancu, On geometric properties of domains biholomorphic to B^n through automorphisms of C^n

·  7.02.2019, Asist. dr. Mihai Iancu and Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, Certain results in Loewner theory for bounded balanced pseudoconvex domains in C^n. Applications

·  11.04.2019, Drd. Szatmari Eszter, Noi proprietati ale unor clase de functii analitice sau meromorfe

·  22.04.2019, Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, Loewner chains and biholomorphic mappings with parametric representation in C^n

·  9.05.2019, Prof. dr. Arpad Baricz (Universitatea Babes-Bolyai), Radii of starlikeness and convexity of Bessel functions

·  14.06.2019, Prof. dr. Toshiyuki Sugawa (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan), Geometric properties of nonlinear resolvent for a semigroup of analytic self-maps of the unit disk

·  11.07.2019, Prof. dr. Dorin Ghisa (York University, Toronto), A survey on Dirichlet functions and series

·  2019/2020

·  10.10.2019, Asist. dr. Mihai Iancu, Loewner chains and automorphisms of C^n

·  24.10.2019, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, Monotonicity. Revisited

·  21.11.2019, Drd. Andra Manu, Roper-Suffridge extension operators and Janowski starlikeness

·  5.12.2019, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, Injectivity via monotonicity. Applications

·  12.12.2019, Eduard Grigoriciuc (master Matematici Avansate), New subclasses of univalent functions on the unit disc. Applications to distortion results

·  16.01.2020, Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, Extremal problems for univalent mappings and related problems in higher dimensions

·  12.03.2020, Lect. dr. Mihai Iancu and Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, A survey on Loewner chains and related problems for bounded balanced pseudoconvex domains in C^n

·  2020/2021

·  22.10.2020, Lect. dr. Mihai Iancu and Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, On Loewner chains and related problems for bounded balanced pseudoconvex domains in C^n

·  3.12.2020, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, On the spherical image of convex and closed sets

·  14.01.2021, Prof. dr. Mirela Kohr, Univalent mappings and related problems in higher dimensions

·  4.03.2021, Drd. Eduard Grigoriciuc, New subclasses of biholomorphic mappings in C^n and extension operators

·  25.03.2021, Lect. dr. Mihai Iancu, A survey on certain results obtained by Gabriela Kohr and her collaborators. Part I

·  15.04.2021, Drd. Eugenia Luca, Some geometric properties of starlike and convex domains in the Hele-Shaw Flow Problem

·  29.04.2021, Lect. dr. Mihai Iancu, A survey on certain results obtained by Gabriela Kohr and her collaborators. Part II

·  2021/2022

·  27.09.2021, Drd. Eduard Grigoriciuc, Scientific project

·  27.09.2021, Drd. Daria Cristea (Deaconu), Scientific project

·  16.10.2021, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, The valence of functions via monotonicity and convexity (comunicare GFTA 2021)

·  16.10.2021, Drd. Andra Manu, Roper-Suffridge extension operators and Janowski univalent functions (comunicare GFTA 2021)

·  17.10.2021, Drd. Eduard Grigoriciuc, Roper-Suffridge extension operators and Janowski univalent functions (comunicare GFTA 2021)

·  17.10.2021, Drd. Daria Cristea (Deaconu), Extremal Problems for Univalent Functions of One and Several Complex Variables (comunicare GFTA 2021)

·  December 1-3, 2021, Workshop dedicated to the memory of Professor Gabriela Kohr: Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Complex Banach Spaces http://math.ubbcluj.ro/workshop_gk/ on the ZOOM platform

·  3.03.2022, Conf. dr. Cornel Pintea, The level sets of functions with bounded critical sets and bounded Hess+ complements

·  17.03.2022, Lect. dr. Mihai Iancu, On certain Runge pairs and polynomially convex sets in several complex variables (joint work with Prof. Hidetaka Hamada and Prof. Gabriela Kohr)

·  31.03.2022, Drd. Eduard Grigoriciuc, New Subclasses of Univalent Mappings in Several Complex Variables. Extension Operators and Application

·  16.09.2022, Drd. Andra Manu, Contributions in the theory of univalent functions of one and several complex variables (sustinere publica teza de doctorat)

·  2022/2023

·  13.10.2022, Drd. Eduard Grigoriciuc, Convex sum of univalent functions: examples using MatLab

·  27.10.2022, Drd. Mihai Aron, Subclasses of starlike fumctions on the unit disc of the complex plane

·  25.11.2022, Prof. dr. Gabriela Kohr, Prof. dr. Mirela Kohr, Extremal results and related problems associated with the Loewner differential equation in C^n (joint work with Prof. dr. Ian Graham and Prof. dr. Hidetaka Hamada)

·  December 1-3, 2022, Workshop dedicated to the memory of Professor Gabriela Kohr: Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Complex Banach Spaces http://math.ubbcluj.ro/workshop_gk/ on the ZOOM platform

·  8.06.2023, Drd. Eduard Grigoriciuc, Research report

·  14.09.2023, Drd. Mihai Aron, Classes of univalent fumctions on the unit disc of the complex plane via differential operators

·  2023/2024

·  December 1-3, 2023, Workshop dedicated to the memory of Professor Gabriela Kohr: Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Complex Banach Spaces http://math.ubbcluj.ro/workshop_gk/ on the ZOOM platform

·  7.03.2024, Drd. Eduard Grigoriciuc, g-Loewner chains and the Graham-Kohr extension operator in complex Banach spaces

·  18.04.2024, Prof. dr. Eric Schippers, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada: Conformal invariants and quadratic differentials

·  6.06.2024, Drd. Mihai Aron, Noi clase de functii univalente folosind un nou operator diferential

·  6.06.2024, Drd. Eduard Grigoriciuc, The Graham-Kohr extension operator in complex Banach spaces

·  6.06.2024, Drd. Anamaria Pastiu, The univalence criteria based on the theory of Loewner chains on the unit ball of Cn

·  9.09.2024, Drd. Anamaria Pastiu, Research project

·  9.09.2024, Drd. Mihai Aron, Research report

·  2024/2025

·  7.11.2024, Drd. Mihai Aron, An extension operator of Roper-Suffridge and Graham-Kohr type

·  November 29-December 1, 2024, Workshop dedicated to the memory of Professor Gabriela Kohr: Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Complex Banach Spaces http://math.ubbcluj.ro/workshop_gk/ on the ZOOM platform

·  27.03.2025, Drd. Eduard Grigoriciuc, The Graham-Kohr extension operator and Loewner chains in complex Banach spaces